We're All Winners

What a weekend! So many activities, so much family time! It was a few perfect fall days. It all started on Friday, when Mitch and I decided to take the afternoon off and head out to Minnetonka Orchards with Harper. Apples, pumpkins, hayrides... it's practically a fall must-do before the flakes start to fall. It was a little chilly, so we had to break out the coats, hats and mittens! Surprisingly enough Harper kept her mittens on the entire time, but wasn't always willing to flash her pearly whites for a photo. I know, shock shock. We perused the apple trees, played in the pumpkins, checked out the farm animals and even hopped on a trailer for a hayride around the orchard. It was such a fun family afternoon!

Saturday and Sunday were big race days in the Twin Cities. It was Marathon weekend, and both Harper and I were registered for races. Saturday morning Harper participated in the Diaper Dash, and it might have been the most entertaining thing I've seen in a long time! Roughly 15 little girls between the ages of 7 -12 months "raced" for the Diaper Dash title. They all started in a small inner circle, and had to crawl to the outside circle where all the crazy parents were trying to lure them out for the victory. When the "race" began, the 15 bundled beauties didn't move. They all stayed in their sitting position, looking around wondering why people were cheering for them to crawl their way out of the ring. We had so much fun watching these little kiddos "race" to the outskirts of the circle, and as Mitch likes to say... Harper didn't get last! We pulled out the big guns to finally get her to move, Elmo. Once she saw the backpack she finally crawled her bundled booty over to us. She was more interested in socializing with the other girlies, what a social butterfly. She did walk away with an awesome t-shirt and her very first medal. We're so proud of our lil' racer.

My co-workers and I signed up for the TC 10 Mile back in July, and the race certainly snuck up on me. Sunday morning came EARLY! The alarm went off at 5am, and we were out the door by 5:45. We opted to drop Harper off at the Helleen's so she could continue sleeping, eat breakfast and get her morning nap. It was frigid in the morning, a chilly 32 degrees. Since it was so cold, I was eager to get running. A little after 7am, we were crossing the start line with 10 miles to go. The weather was perfect, and the run went much better than I expected. I finished in 1:43, which is a little over 10 minute miles. I'll take it! It felt great to cross the finish line, and celebrate with my fellow co-workers. We celebrated our victory with a wonderful breakfast at the Egg and I. Way to go team REACH!

Harper is starting to stand alone for a few seconds, and then slips back to the comfort of crawling. We've also noticed she is completely obsessed with baths. She can't even go into the bathroom without trying to crawl her way into the tub. With a clear love for water, we're looking into swimming lessons soon. It's quite a time commitment, so it's just a matter of finding a time that works best for us.

This week is fairly low key, and I'm looking forward to relaxing this weekend!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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