Harpersaurus Rex

So, our 10 month old growls. Not cute lil' baby noises, like loud dinosaur growls. I've gotten so used to it, I don't even realize the sounds escaping her adorable mouth while we're in public. Once I realize people are staring, I have to tell them, "Oh yeah, she growls." Like it's no biggie. The best public display of growling we've had was at church. While the rest of the congregation prayed, we were trying to quiet down Harpersaurus Rex. She is a silly girl, but we wouldn't have it any other way! We love our lil' dino!

This week also marked Harper's 10 month "birthday." Ummm, excuse me - but when did my little 8lb 12oz baby girl get so darn big? The last 10 months have been amazing, and have cruised by faster than I ever expected. She's certainly keeping us on our toes, and continues to impress us everyday. Her personality is really starting to shine through, as well as mini tantrums. Let's just say, the girl has a little sass. We had a fun mini-photo shoot in the leaves this week to celebrate her 10 months. She did stay still long enough for me to get a couple of goodies - I even captured her taste test of our natural props.

It's still hard for me to wrap my mind around having a 1-year old in two months! Since last weekend was uneventful, I spent most of my Saturday night pinning birthday party ideas on Pinterest. I know, crazy Saturday night! It was very successful, and my mind is overflowing with ideas. Most of the blogs I read, or sites I visited showed families that spent a lot of time and effort on elaborate parties for their young ones. Not to mention some serious cash. Since I'm not part of the Real Housewife franchise, our party attendees won't be receiving diamond encrusted Elmo pendants or Sesame Street themed food from our personal chef. Thanks to Pinterest I have plenty of DIY decoration ideas, and a nice party menu. I'm looking forward to planning Harper's shindig - I just love themed parties!

This week Mitch and I shared an adult night out, and it was a terrific date! We received tickets to the Broadway musical Beauty and the Beast from my Mom, so Tuesday night we headed downtown for a quick dinner and a night full of Disney songs! We had a great dinner at Rosa Mexicano and made our way down Hennepin Avenue towards the Orpheum. As we walked through the doors of the theater, I couldn't help but notice the variety of audience members. We saw little 4 year old girls dressed from head to toe in their Belle costumes, elderly couples enjoying a night out at the show and everything in between. As we walked by the concessions, we grabbed a couple of Diet Cokes and a pack of Skittles and headed to our seats. I know, again we're totally wild. The show was incredible, I don't think I could wipe the grin off my face the entire show. The performers played their roles perfect, and the music was extraordinary. We had a great date night, while Harper hung out with Granny and Pops.

This weekend my Aunt Margie Schumer is visiting from Missouri. I'm looking forward to spending some time with her, and maybe even sneaking in a Stillwater trip! It's been a while since we roamed the streets of Stillwater, popping into antique shops and boutiques and visited Aamodt's Apple Farm! It's one of my favorite towns in Minnesota, so I'm certainly looking forward to it!

Until next time,
The Helleen's



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