Bucket Head

Kids might be the most entertaining thing, ever. Whether it's the silly things they say, the adorable giggles they make, or the crazy ideas they come up with. We have this yellow bucket that stays in the corner of our upstairs living room. Typically the bucket is filled with rattles, noisy electronics and Sophie the giraffe - that is until Harper decides to dump the contents of the bucket and wear it as a hat! She recently started sporting the bucket headwear, and pulling it off with a big grin. This week I think Mitch and I watched her do it for a good 15-20 minutes, saying "Where did Harper go?" every time the bucket covered up her grinning face and ending with "There she is!!" when she revealed herself giggling. I tried to capture a few seconds to share via video, but I keep forgetting to turn my camera the right way - so forgive me on the sideways video. It's still pretty entertaining!

Last weekend my Aunt Margie Schumer was in town visiting from Missouri. Friday we had a great night at my parents house grilling burgers, catching up and watching Guy Fieri on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. I just love Friday night TV, back to back episodes of Triple D and Say Yes To The Dress... oh how times have changed.

Saturday after Harper's morning nap, we all piled in my Dad's Armada and headed to Stillwater for the day! We arrived downtown just in time for lunch. We are typically loyal customers of Whitey's since we love love love their chili, but walking by Smalley's Caribbean Barbecue the smell lured us in. With reggae music playing in the background and the aroma of jerk seasoning filling the air - it almost felt like we were back in Jamaica. Everyone loved their meals, and the pork jerk tacos were incredible! I think we have a new favorite lunch spot in Stillwater, plus we found out they were featured on Triple D!

After lunch we wandered the streets popping into the local shops. At this cute boutique, I found Harper the cutest winter hat. Along with my baby shoe addiction, I might also have an obsession with winter hats. They are just too cute to pass up, and when I spotted the knitted pig hat - it had my name all over it.  Even if she wears it once, it's totally worth it! Another Stillwater tradition is visiting the candy store, and much to our surprise they've added a second shop for the double the candy confections. I love walking into these shops and watching them make fresh brittle, or carmel apples. Classics and new aged candies cover every inch of the store. Every where you turn it's candy, candy, candy!

After a day spent downtown, we stopped at Aamodt's Apple Farm on our way home. Harper was sleeping so it was a quick trip. Mitch decided to stay in the car with sleeping beauty while we shopped for goodies. Donuts, salsas, apple butter, pies, pastries, they were everywhere looking so delish. There were so many tempting treats, but I refrained. It was a quick trip, but Aunt Margie left with her favorite Honeycrisp Salsa so it was successful! Harper slept the entire way home, and it must have been a deep sleep since she was drooling. I think we were all a little exhausted after our busy day, so we spent the rest of the night laying low. Stillwater is always fun, but tiring!

Monday we had Harper's follow-up doctors appointment. She is back on track with her weight, weighing in a 20 lbs. This visit also included a booster shot, which is always dreadful. This time when the nurse held down her legs she knew something bad was coming. She turned into a wiggly worm trying to break free, with little success. She stared up at us with her giant baby blues and wailed. It's always so sad, but when I gave her my phone to play with after she was easily distracted. She did great, and in just a couple months we'll be back for her 1 year check up!

Tomorrow Mitch is heading to Mall of America Field with a co-worker for the Viking's game. I'm watching their little girl Abby while the boys cheer on the Vikes. I'm looking forward to hanging out with the girls, and it'll be interesting to see how it goes with two babies in the house!

This weekend there isn't too much on the agenda. We still need to finalize Harper's Halloween costume, and carve our pumpkins. This is the first year Mitch and I don't have a Halloween party to attend, and I'm a little bummed we don't have an excuse to dress up. I had some great ideas, but I'll just tuck them away for another year.

I just had to share this photo we took on the iPad tonight. It was too funny not to share! Mitch thinks Harps looks like Dobby from Harry Potter!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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