Pretty Lil' Toes

I have a slight obsession when it comes to nail polish. I must have my nails painted 100% of the time, with matching toes - it's just one of those things. Once it starts to chip, it's time for me to pull out the remover and select a new shade. There are so many fun things I can't wait to do with Harper, and painting her little toes was one of them. After researching the web, I came across an all natural/baby safe nail polish and remover. I knew it was meant to be when I read the name... Piggy Paint! My two loves collide, pigs and nail polish. This week we decided to fancy up those sausage toes with some pretty pink polish. Her little toes might be the cutest thing I've ever seen!

Last weekend was busy busy busy! Saturday, Austin had junior prom. Being a girl, and a crazy big sister I weaseled my way to prom photo to admire the beautiful dresses and witness Austin wearing a tux. When his usual attire of ratty t-shirts and sweatpants is swapped for a bow tie and tuxedo, I promise I'll be there with a camera. They had pictures at Parker's Lake in Plymouth, and the rain clouds held out for them. They all looked so darn cute, and it brought back many fun memories of high school. Below are some snapshots I got... plus an old picture of Mitch and I at prom back in 2002.

10 Years Ago

After Austin's pictures we headed down to Eden Prairie, where my boss Darren was having a backyard party! The REACH crew is always a blast, plus Harper even met a couple new friends. This past winter there was a baby boom at work. In November, Darren and his wife Elise welcomed their fifth child Noah. A couple weeks later, Patrick and Ellen had their first bundle, Emily. Two weeks after that, Harper joined us! Emily and Harper spent most of their evening enjoying some fresh air and company on the swings! They were too cute!

Following Darren's we headed over to Mitch's parents so Harper and Uncle Matt could finally embrace! As I mentioned last week, Matt and Jenny were in town for Harper's birth - but since she spent a few days in the NICU Matt never got to hold her. That all changed on Saturday! It was so cute to see the two of them, and made a great photo op. Matt and Jenny even gave Harper a special gift they got from their honeymoon. Every girl needs an authentic Antiguan outfit, right?

Sunday was a special day, Harper's baptism. Our family and friends gathered at church and came over to our house after for lunch. We sat around the table swapping stories and sharing some major laughs. It's always such a great time when we get everyone together, especially out of town guests. It's certainly a day we'll always remember. 

With a holiday weekend ahead of us, this past week seemed to cruise on by. On Saturday, my grandparents, Aunt Joan and cousin Betty made the drive from DeSoto, Missouri to visit. Harper finally got to meet her Great Grandparents, Great Aunt and cousin on Saturday! They are staying through next weekend, so we'll have plenty of time to hang out and we look forward to it.

Today we're celebrating Memorial Day over at my parents for a fish fry! Mitch's family and the Shemon's are joining us - with the sun shining and great company, it's sure to be a fun day! I can't think of a better way to spend the holiday, family, fun and fried food!

I'd also like to congratulate my mother-in-law Deb and sister-in-law Jennie for completing their first full marathon yesterday in the 90 degree temperatures! What an amazing accomplishment, and we couldn't be more proud of you guys! WAY TO GO!

I hope everyone enjoys their final day of the long weekend.

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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