Minus One

It's Mother's Day weekend, so you know what that means... fishing opener. Every year the boys load up their vehicles, pack the boat and head up north to catch some good ol' walleye. It never fails, it always falls on Mother's Day weekend. My Mom and I are used to celebrating on our own, and this year we've added Harper to the mix! 

It's strange sitting here on a Friday night without my "other half." Harper is already sleeping - so it's just me, my Mac, Say Yes To The Dress and an ice cold Diet Coke. Not a terrible Friday night. This is Mitch's first weekend away since Harper joined us, so my plan is to send him plenty of pictures to let him know we're thinking of him. Before he left, he surprised me with an early Mother's Day gift. I came home to flowers, my Coach perfume and the sweetest card. I'm a sucker for cards, and he always seems to write something sweet that makes my eyes extra watery. Enough gushing, I'm just one lucky gal!

Harper is busy as ever. She rolling over like crazy from her back to her stomach. She hasn't quite mastered the stomach to back roll, so once she lands on her belly - she's stranded. This makes it fun in the middle of the night when she decides to flop over on her stomach. It immediately wakes her up, and the grunting begins. Soon enough I hear her frustrated groans through the baby monitor and go into her room to flip her back. Needless to say, we've been practicing the stomach to back roll. I'm confident she'll conquer it soon. Below is a quick video of her mastered back to tum roll. 

This week cruised by as usual. It amazes me that's is already May, and Harper turns 5 months next week. Time keeps going faster and faster, and I don't like it one bit. Monday night we were surprised by Mitch's brother Nick's impromptu visit. He was in town for the night from Fargo, and came over for dinner and to watch the finale of The Voice. We giggled about Xtina's wardrobe choices on the show, I ogled over Tony Lucca, and Nick's girlfriend Tori even came over to join in on the fun. It was great seeing them, even if it was only for a few hours. He finished his finals this week at NDSU, so he'll be home for the summer - so there is plenty more Uncle Nick time in Harper's future.

We're starting to have true May weather, which is a nice change of pace. This will be the first weekend in 5 weeks that it hasn't rained! The sunshine and 70 degree temperatures made our Thursday golf night an enjoyable one! We were down to three girls this week, but soaked up the evening rays, gossiped, discussed Fifty Shades of Grey and played a little golf. It was a wonderful Thursday night with the ladies. It was nice to come home to see this smiling face waiting for me!

This evening I rushed out of work around 4 to pick up Harper. We had an early dinner date in Rogers with Melissa and Jenna! Melissa is pregnant with her third baby and due in late July. She lives in St. Cloud, so whenever she's near the cities we make sure we find a way to get some quality time in. Even though she only had an hour to spare, we all met up at Maynards for a quick dinner date. She looks incredible for being a couple months away from baby numero tres, and I just love that growing baby bump. It was so good to see my girls, we need to make it happen more often!  When we got home I asked Harper if she was excited to meet Baby Boy Medford, this was her response:

With it being ladies weekend, we're doing what we do best tomorrow. SHOPPING! We're headed to Mall of America to pick up our race packets for Sunday. Every Mother's Day we run the Race For The Cure 5K with the Shemon women. It's such a great cause, and the entire atmosphere is incredible. The women show so much faith, strength and courage sharing their experiences and stories - it's impossible not to be moved by them. After the race, my Mom, Harper and I are headed to cheer on the Twins. It's been a rough year, but I'm confident they'll squeeze out a victory for my first Mother's Day! 

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend, and Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommy's out there!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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