Movin' and Groovin'

The past two weeks I kept feeling a little "thump" in my mid-section. After feeling the same sensation multiple times, I realized I was feeling our Baby H moving inside me. It's an absolutely unreal feeling, and I can't help but smile every time I feel that little "thump." This past weekend, Mitch was also able to feel our little girl moving around by touching my belly, which was another milestone for us!

This past week has been very busy. My Aunt Joan and Betty are visiting from Missouri, so we're trying to spend as much time as we can with them. We were able to enjoy Saturday on Lake Minnetonka, and grab dinner one night this week. Tomorrow it's ladies night - my Mom, Aunt Joan, Betty and I are heading to Target Field to cheer on our Minnesota Twins. Right now, they need all the cheering they can get!

This weekend is also a very exciting time! Mitch's brother Matt and his fiance Jenny are back in town from Arizona to celebrate their bachelor and bachelorette parties! Continuing with the wedding theme - Saturday during the day I get to join Jon & Jenna Juris' celebrate their wedding day! Later that night for Jenny's bachelorette party - us girls are spending the evening at Jenny's sister's house having dinner/drinks and then heading out on the town! I'm very excited to celebrate with my soon-to-be sister!

This week has flown by prepping for the busy weekend! We're excited to spend time with friends and family celebrating special occasions!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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