Bonkers Over Bedding

Over the last several weeks, I've been searching online nightly for crib bedding. I found plenty of sets I loved, however, I didn't love the price. Mitch and I both went back and forth whether to splurge on bedding for our baby, or try to be more practical and get a cheaper set. After finding out you don't even use two of the four items that come in your 4-piece crib set... we decided to go the practical route.

Of course I made a bigger deal out of this situation than I needed to. Mitch met me up at Pottery Barn Baby tonight to check out a few options. Once we realized everything we saw was a little over our price range, I unfortunately had an unexpected meltdown. That's totally normal isn't it, to have a meltdown in the middle of Pottery Barn Baby for absolutely no reason? I'd like to think part of it was my lack of food... I hadn't had dinner yet. All girls get a little crabby and overly sensitive when we don't get our food, right? Well I'm not proud to say that was me tonight. I have to give yet another shout out to Mitch for putting up with my shenanigans. I finally snapped out of it, and went home and continued my search!

After reviewing what felt like 100's of sites, we finally decided on bedding for the nursery! It was on our original list, and was in our price range. I did a little digging and read 25 different reviews, all very positive. I knew deep down that we would end up with this set, I should have saved us the trouble and ordered it a few weeks ago when we both agreed we liked it. Lesson learned -- don't make this process harder than it should be. When I find something we like, I need to order it and STOP LOOKING! The bedding should be here within 5-7 business days, can't wait to see it!

Well, we can finally cross "crib bedding" off our to-do list. Next up... nursery furniture. I'll make sure to eat before doing any of that shopping!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


  1. If the crib bedding took you that long, can you imagine how long the crib furniture will take??? hahaha...too funny!

  2. You are so right about the food thing and being crabby...I know for sure that was the cause of the breakdown! :)

    LOVE the bedding for Baby H!!


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