Waffle Tacos & Motorcycles

My fast food breakfast experience soared to a new level this weekend. When Taco Bell announced they were coming out with a breakfast menu, I was already 100% on board. I'm a lover of McDonald's morning options, but Taco Bell is an all-time favorite fast food chain of mine. After hearing the menu items, the thought of a "waffle taco" seemed brilliant and I couldn't wait to get my hands on one.

Saturday we were planning a fun filled day downtown St. Paul with my parents. The plan was to head to the Donny Smith Motorcycle & Car Show and grab lunch somewhere afterwards. I talked my Dad into a pit stop at TB for my breakfast fix. The Waffle Taco was delicious, and I even snuck a few bites of my parents Bacon A.M. Crunchwrap. Delicious. 

We decided it was best to head down to the St. Paul RiverCentre pretty early since we'd be toting around a stroller. In the past the crowds at the show get pretty intense, and the thought of weaving a stroller in an out of narrow aisles and mobs of people didn't sound fun. We wandered the show looking at a variety of motorcycles, crazy custom paint jobs and visited with a few vendors. Harper loved every minute of our time at the show. Many vendors offered her a sticker, magnet or some sort of keepsake to take home. She was smiling ear-to-ear the entire time and her shirt was full of stickers by the time we left. No major purchases were made, but between my Dad and Mitch I think they mentally spent thousands.

Afterwards we walked a couple blocks to Cossetta's. None of us had ever been, but we've heard nothing but great things so I was looking forward to our first experience. We walked in, and the aroma of pizza and pasta took over. Harper and I quickly noticed the bakery case filled with homemade pastries. We filled our trays with Italian classics and even snuck a cookie and slice of carrot cake on the tray. With empty plates, it's safe to say we're all new fans of Cossetta's. Harper loved her "spaghetti" (she calls any pasta with red sauce spaghetti) and had her fair share of carrot cake. Really she just ate the icing, typical. Our Saturday morning field trip was fun and successful!

Sunday we woke up excited for the day. The meteorologists were forecasting 58 degrees, which is the warmest it's been since October. Whatever we did that day, it was going to be outside. Harper and I took our typical lake stroll in the morning. The wind was still crisp - but it felt good to get some fresh air. 

Once the afternoon rolled around, the sun was shining and the temperature was rising. The three of us shoveled the patio, and cleaned out the garage. Harper spent most of her time splashing in the puddles with her rain boots while Mitch and I tackled the outdoor chores. Once she sat in the water, lost a boot in the puddle and showed me her soaking wet sock we decided it was time to head inside.

We've been itching to grill, and since we finally shoveled the remaining snow from the patio we could finally fire up the grill. We invited a our families over for a BBQ celebrating the first nice day, and we soaked up every minute of it. At least we got to enjoy it for roughly 24 hours - since we were back in the 20's and 30's and it snowed today. It's gloomy and grey, but at least the big mounds of snow are melted from our yard. I see grass, and that's progress! It may be brown, ugly grass - but it's not snow. For now we'll keep wearing out coats and hats, but I'm not sure how much longer we can handle it. Spring, where are you?   

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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