And we're having a...

It's a boy!! Harper will be a big sister to a lil' baby bro, and we couldn't be more excited.

Since we knew we were in for a long whirlwind weekend, I decided to reschedule my doctor's appointment. It was originally scheduled for tomorrow (Monday, 4/21) but the nice lady at Oakdale OBGYN was able to sneak me in Friday afternoon. 

Mitch was unable to make the ultrasound appointment, so I decided I wanted to share the news some other way than with a boring phone call. As far as my appointment, everything looks great! Baby H is measuring right at 20 weeks, and weighs roughly 1 lb. At the very end of my ultrasound she asked, "okay, do you have any other questions." Naturally, I was eager to find out the sex of Baby H #2. I quickly blurted out, "well, can you tell what it is??" The woman laughed then said, "well it looks like it's a boy, see right here?" I was stunned. I had a gut feeling we were expecting another girlie, but in our "perfect world" we were hoping for a boy. 

I quickly ran to Target afterwards to gather my blue themed Easter basket to share the news with Mitch. After whipping up the basket, I stapled it closed in a brown paper bag - ready for Mitch to rip open. Our flight to Missouri left that afternoon, but I was going to make sure he made time to open the bag and reveal the news. 

He peeked in, and smiled. I think he first words were, "oh wow, really?" We shared the news with family and friends, and couldn't be more excited for Baby BOY to join our clan in August!

Hope everyone had a great Easter!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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