S'more please.

Chocolatey goodness. Gooey marshmallows. Sweet graham crackers. Is there a better combination than the components of a s'more? Since we've been going through grilling withdrawals from the long winter, we took advantage of the spring weather last weekend. With grilling season, comes bonfire season. 

Harper and Mitch gathered the wood to start our backyard campfire. I quickly ran to Target to pick up the essential ingredients, and roasting sticks. When I brought the bags of goodies outside, Harper was a giddy little girl. She requested a graham cracker while we waited for the fire, and managed to sneak a few marshmallows too. Our sticks were prepared - and we were ready to roast! 

Mitch showed Harper his roasting skills and made an epic s'more. I handed her the sticky sandwich goodness, and her eyes lit up. After eating the the marshmallow that had oozed off the side of the graham cracker, she requested to take the chocolate off. Clearly she is my daughter - my ideal s'more is chocolate free. Double marshmallow and a crispy graham cracker is complete perfection in my eyes. Harper was less interested in the actual s'more itself, and more interested on stuffing those cheeks with un-roasted marshmallows. 

It was nice to enjoy a bonfire again, it seems like ages since we've done that. The smokey scent stayed in my hair and clothes, and it felt like summer. It was a fun night at home, sharing the s'more experience with Harps.     

Saturday we celebrated the upcoming nuptials of Mitch's cousin Scott and his fiancĂ© Cari. Deb was hosting a southern charm themed shower. There were mason jars filled with tea, fresh squeezed lemonade and infused water. We filled our plates with quiche, scones, lemon bars, mini fruit pizzas, and chicken salad croissants. Our fun was briefly interrupted by a woodpecker who decided to slam into the living room window during our game. It scared us all, and left a mark on the window. The bird didn't ruin our fun. There was plenty of laughing, and Cari received some wonderful things. We're thrilled to have Cari join the Dunnwald clan, and June is right around the corner!

The rest of our weekend was pretty uneventful. One exciting thing - Mitch and I finally got a DVR. I know we're nearly 12 years late to the party, but we're pretty excited and ready to record. Mitch was worried about me being obsessed; however, I might need to have an intervention with him sometime soon. We also finished Season 3 of Game of Thrones (another thing we're late to the party on) but holy moley was it drama filled, juicy and incredible. I love this show. I'd even go as far as saying, it might be one of my favorites of all time. Plus, there's Jon Snow. :) 

Today my Mom emailed a few pictures Harper took of herself on the iPad. Her very first selfie, I'm so proud. When I opened the attachment I couldn't stop laughing at her expression. It's a classic Harper smirk, and makes me smile every time I look at it. The weird butterfly headband she's sporting makes it that much better. A tough day is instantly better seeing her face.

We're looking forward to Easter weekend. Egg hunts, pretty dresses and a family filled weekend is just what we need. Another exciting event on the calendar - our 20 week ultrasound for Baby H #2. Only 6 days to go until we find out if pink or blue is in our future. I can't wait!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter.

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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