Remembering My Amazing Grandma Josie

It's not easy saying goodbye to someone you love. Last night, my sweet Grandma Josie passed away. The woman has been a strong-headed fighter her entire life, but her recent diagnosis of ALS (Lou Gehrig's) wore her down. She was tired, and in a lot of pain - and we're all thankful she's not suffering anymore.

My Grandma and I had a really close relationship. I was her oldest grandchild, and I continue to tell myself I was her favorite :) even though I know she loved each and every one of us the same. Our bond was something special, and something I will never forget.

She was kind, giving and overly friendly. I think she knew everyone in her hometown. Everywhere we went, Grandma had to make new friends. Even if they didn't want to talk to her, she'd convince them to and they'd end up laughing at her witty jokes. She had this affect on people.

During her time working at Dollar General, her register line was always a mile long. She insisted on having a conversation with each and every customer, and no one ever complained. That's how much people enjoyed her presence. She had a spark about her, that people were drawn to.

Thanks to her, I knew how to play poker and had attended many bingo halls before the age of 5. We would sit at her kitchen table and she'd clear the coin purse. We'd divide the coins between the two of us, and play "7-card no peek" or "5 give me 2." I would beg her to bring me to bingo with her on Wednesday nights at the KC Hall. I don't know what thrill I found in middle aged women sitting around setting up their good luck trolls and trinkets and yelling at the poor man calling the bingo numbers, but I think spending that extra time with her was the real attraction. Plus, she'd let me eat all the potato wedges with cheese I wanted. :)

Growing up, she was my partner in crime. She cried harder than anyone when I boarded the school bus on my first day of Kindergarten (my Mom even has a home video proving it!). When I came home and told her I didn't like the bus, she decided she would drive me moving forward. So from 1990 to 1993 while I lived in Missouri - Grandma drove me and my cousins to school every morning and picked us up every afternoon. She told me, "you'll never ride that damn bus again!" Classic Grandma. :)

As I mentioned, Grandma knew everyone! I visited the school nurse one day, I'm sure for some made up illness, and all the nurse said was - "you look tired, let me call your Grandma. She'll come get you." In no time, I was loaded in Grandma's van rocking out to the cassette tapes we collected from IGA Foods. "Big Girls Don't Cry" is still a classic in my eyes, and I can still hear the two of us belting out the lyrics. We sang too loud, ate too much fast food, watched garbage TV and loved every minute of it. Come to think of it, I still do all of those things.

We all miss her dearly, and it hasn't even been 24 hours. I know Grandma is looking down on us right now, talking to her new friend at the slot machine next to her. She's being her spunky self, with perfectly manicured nails cursing at the Triple Diamond slot.

Grandma - you were a true role model and inspiration. Your heart was so big, it still amazes me. I could never get enough of your stories, and just how crazy you were. You marched to the beat of your own drum and your free spirit attitude is something I try to do from time-to-time. You taught me several life lessons that I plan to pass down to Harper and our children to come. I'll save the inappropriate sayings and life lessons until they're at least 5. :) Thank you for telling me I was never too old to sit on your lap, and I held you to that. I know you're looking down on us, counting all your gambling winnings with a giant smile on your face. I love you very much, and you were an extraordinary Grandma and friend. You'll be with us always.

You always sang this song to me, and I only find it fitting to end my note to you with the lyrics.

Sugar in the morning,
sugar in the evening, 
sugar at supper time.

Be my little sugar,
and love me all the time.

Put your arms around me,
and swear by stars above,
you'll be mine forever,
and Heaven above.

Sugar in the morning,
sugar in the evening, 
sugar at supper time.

Be my little sugar,
and love me all the time.


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