Time Goes Too Fast

Seriously, is it really almost June? Maybe it's the non-exisitant Spring we've had, but it just doesn't feel like Summer yet. It also doesn't feel like Harper should be a year and a half already!

As I was putting her to bed tonight, I had a little moment. I looked down at her and thought, "when did you get so darn big?" I know that might sound absurd since she's weeks shy of 18 months - but honestly. I remember bringing her home, all 8lbs of her. Holding her in the rocking chair where she barely took up any space. Tonight we laid there rocking where she's completely sprawled out - feet dangling off the side of the chair.  Excuse me, but when did that happen? I'm soaking up those special minutes we share before bed time, before she gets too old and way too cool for Mom.

She had us all giggling this past weekend, as usual. The weather for our long Memorial Day weekend was awful, so we didn't feel too bad spending most of the day Saturday and Sunday outside doing yard work. We managed to accomplish quite a bit, and after two days of trimming the tangled hedges in our backyard - I was ridiculous sore and exhausted. Sunday night my parents had everyone over for a good old fashioned fish fry. The walleye was incredible, and Harper entertained us all with her animal noises and showing off her new umbrella. The girl knows how to put on a show, and loves every single second of it.

Memorial Day was cloudy and gray, but that didn't stop us from grilling. Mitch's brother Nick surprised us all and came home from Grand Forks, ND for the day. It's been months since we've seen Nick, and since Harper's constantly saying something new and learning new tricks I knew she'd like to show it off for Uncle Nick. He was a trooper, climbing in the clubhouse with her, picking dandelions, and reading every book she brought him. It was an awesome day spent with family - the perfect way to wrap up the weekend.

As May wraps up, we move forward to a busy June. I have family coming in town throughout the next week for Austin's graduation. I'm looking forward to having everyone together and preparing to celebrate brother bear's end to high school. Geez, time really does go too fast. Austin's graduating!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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