Hey Girl, Nice Necklace!

I think it's safe to say, we have a girlie girl on our hands - and that makes this Mama pretty excited for our future. Harper's latest obsession? Necklaces. It all started last week, when my Mom bought her a necklace/bracelet set from Dollar Tree. We added the fun accessory to her outfit last Thursday just for fun and to see how long it would last. Shockingly, it stayed in place all day and throughout the night. When she saw it hanging in her room Friday morning, she pointed and screeched until Mitch put it around her neck. 

After a few days of wearing the same boring blue necklace, I decided a girl needs options! While my Dad and Mitch were out having "bro day" this weekend - the girlies headed to Arbor Lakes to do a little shopping and enjoy the nice weather. Harper's necklace collection grew by one, thanks to The Children's Place. Ever since our shopping trip, her multi-colored necklace is a new favorite. It's worn everyday, and she sometimes have a mini meltdown when we have to take it off for baths or bed. Her love for jewels at such a young age thrills me. I think it might make Mitch a smidgen nervous. :)

This past weekend Mitch and I ran our first 5k of the season. Luckily the weather was beautiful Saturday morning, so I had no problem waking up early and heading down to Minnehaha Falls for a 3 mile run. Every year we dread this race, and complain the entire morning - but it never fails, after the run we always say "I'm so glad we did that, I feel so much better!" That must be the reason this is our 4th year in a row running the Get in Gear race. I'm sure when registration comes around next April, we sign up again!

Wedding season has officially started, and Saturday night we had another wedding to attend. Mitch's co-worker Joe and fiancé Karen were getting married on a gorgeous April afternoon, and we were happy to celebrate with them. Joe is a year younger than me, and we actually all went to Maple Grove Junior High together. Not only are Mitch and Joe co-worker's but they are also softball team mates. Their ceremony was perfect, and we had a blast at the reception! Congrats again to Mr. & Mrs. Coughlin!

We kept our celebrating hats on Sunday, and had a terrific dinner at Pittsburgh Blue. Since Austin has finally decided to attend North Dakota State University next year (GO BISON!) my parents wanted to celebrate! Harper isn't much a steak eater (yet) we opted to drop her off at Bob & Deb's and enjoy an adult dinner with my parents, Austin and Sarah. After devouring delicious steaks, potatoes, beans and & mac & cheese we managed to save room for Cherry Berry frozen yogurt afterwards. Bob, Deb and Harper even joined us for some ice cream. It was a fun evening of great company, and amazing food. Congrats brother bear, you're officially a Bison!

Harper hasn't been much of a talker. I mean, she babbles in her own language constantly and says "Mama" and "Dada" but nothing too crazy. Her vocabulary is growing, and she seems to be catching on and attempting to say more. However, when it comes to animal sounds.. I'd like to say she's a pro. Last week while we were playing outside, I took a short video quizzing her on animal sounds. Try to ignore my overpowering screaming voice right into the phone, and try to listen for her cute quiet noises. The pig "snort" is her newest, and my absolute favorite!

Well, May is finally here and we've seen small snippets of Spring. We've had a taste of warm weather - and everyone is eager for more. After a chilly week and weekend, it sounds like Spring-like weather is forecasting for next week! Hallelujah!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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