Testing Boundaries

Some people might say a 1 1/2 year old doesn't know what the difference between right and wrong. I'd like to disagree. Lately, Harper hears me say "no please" and automatically does the total opposite. It's fun stuff. 

Let me give you an example. She knows the magnets on the fridge can not go in her mouth. This week I was in the kitchen making dinner, and she was running around like usual. All of a sudden I feel her little arms wrap around my leg, and she is staring up at me with those big baby blues and a sneaky smirk on her face. She opens her mouth to show me a letter "o" hanging out right on her tongue. As soon as I said, "Harper, do we put magnets in our mouth? No please." She ran off giggling. This Mom, not giggling. 

After trying to reason with a 17 month old and explain I'll take it away if she does it again (which she did) the magnets were removed and boxed up for a while. We played this same game with a bracelet she recently received from her friend Emily (thanks again!). The whole "not in your mouth please" game, and she continued to give me her signature sneaky smirk and run off laughing. Yep, I still wasn't laughing. 

She is pushing the limits to see what she can get away with, and if it wasn't for that little smirk I might actually believe she didn't know it was naughty. We have mini 1-2 minute meltdowns anytime she's told "no" but she is easily distracted and forgets about it pretty quick. When she's not looking I do sort of giggle to myself at the situations. How can you not?  I love that little girl, sass and all. 

This past weekend, Austin had his senior prom. It's still hard for me to believe he's a senior, graduating from high school and leaving for college in few short months. He looked so sharp, and even styled his hair. I was certainly a proud big sister. He and Sarah looked dashing in their shades of purple and grey, and I hear they had a total blast! Enjoy these last few days of senior year Aust!

Last weekend after prom pictures, my parents came over to grill since the rain finally gave us a break. Harper enjoyed running around our back yard and picking dandelions, which she thinks are the prettiest flowers around. Papa Jim even made Harps her very own necklace stringed of the yellow blooms. We spent most of the evening outside, entertained by Harper. Whether she was picking weeds, or playing peek-a-boo behind the bush. She had all of us laughing with huge smiles on our faces! I even shot a quick video of the peek-a-boo game we played over and over. When you see her face so excited, it's impossible not to grin!

This weekend is extended thanks to the Memorial Day holiday. Hopefully the weather is decent, because we have a TON of yard work on our "do to" list. Hope everyone enjoys the holiday weekend. Have fun and be safe!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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