Fifteen Fabulous Months

15 incredible months. Our lives changed for the better a little over a year ago, and every day since Harper has had us laughing with her sassy personality. I feel like I say this every other blog post, but honestly I can't believe how fast time goes and how quickly Harper is changing. 

Last Friday we had her 15-month check up. Just like every other appointment, this meant shots. Luckily, it's some of the last pokes she'll need for a while. It never fails, when we walk into South Lake Pediatrics and Harper goes completely looney tune. She gets so excited over the fish tank and loves the galaxy inspired carpet. For the entire 45 minutes we were there, Harper ran around screeching and turning in circles. We had a great appointment, and Harper seems to be right on track. Below are her latest stats:

Weight: 23 lbs
Height: 30 1/4 inches

I think Harper's mind was blown Sunday after spending the afternoon at Space Aliens. Believe it or not, Madison is turning 5 - and we we're lucky enough to celebrate with her. We wandered up to St. Cloud for the evening, and had a wonderful time. Harper loved the arcade room, and slapped just about every button she could reach. She even snagged a couple free games of Skeeball with her special touch of the "start" button. Her favorite ride by far was the space shuttle. We spent a whopping $1 on tokens, and Harper was tickled to death. It's seem like just yesterday Madison was running around like Harper. Now she's turning 5 and preparing for Kindergarten. Happy Birthday Maddie!!

This week Mitch and I are busy preparing for our upcoming trip to Mexico. It's my 5 year anniversary with REACH, and to celebrate we're heading to Mexico with some co-worker's. Our flight leaves Saturday morning bright and early, and I'm looking forward to some sunshine! I'm apologizing in advance to the other passengers on our plane, because this Mama might be weeping a little. Harper is spending 5 days with Bob and Deb while we're gone, and I miss her already. It's going to be so strange not being with her everyday, but we're trying to line up some Skype dates and phone calls. I know she'll be just fine, I think it's Mitch and I who will have the hardest time. I'm going to miss my little silly goose - but I know Mitch and I will have a wonderful time. Goodbye single digits and snow, hello.... sand and sunshine!

When we get back I'll have plenty of pictures and stories to share! 

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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