Wild Weekend

After this weekend, I just feel old. Not old in a bad way, but it's clear my days of staying out until bar close are behind me. I'd categorize our weekend as "wild" since both Friday and Saturday night we had events going on that kept us out later than usual.

Friday nights are always tough. After ending a busy work week, my bed is always tempting around 9pm. (Again, I feel old.) This past Friday night Osseo Senior High was hosting a fundraiser at Maple Tavern, so Amanda and I tagged along with my parents. Mitch opted to stay home since Harper was sleeping, so the 4 of us headed to the banquet area downstairs to listen to Maiden Dixie (check them out, they're awesome) and have a little fun. And fun we had. I felt like a wild woman, out past 12pm. It was an awesome night out, but let's just say the next morning came a little too soon.

Saturday our day was booked! Mitch's co-worker Brent and his wife Rebekah came over in the morning with their 6-month old adorable Molly. Harper had fun dragging toys out of her playroom to show the Wunderlich's and did a better job sharing her toys. Molly showed off her rolling skills and army crawl not to mention that contagious smile. We grabbed a quick lunch, and promised to get together again soon.

After lunch we had to get ready for dinner. We had reservations at Manny's Steak House to surprise my soon to be brother-in-law Mike for his 30th birthday. Jennie had planned for 18 of his friends to meet at the restaurant downtown for a big celebratory dinner, with drinks to follow. We dropped Harper off at Mitch's parents and headed down for the big surprise. Dinner was awesome. Both the company and the food were perfection, not to mention the giant dessert and tequila shot for the birthday boy to end the dinner.

After dinner Amanda and I dropped Mitch off at a co-worker's bachelor party and hung out a Toby Keith's at the West End. The birthday crew was going to meet us there for drinks, but rain, a long line and cover charge changed the plan. It was another long night out, but several giant Diet Cokes kept me going. After almost making it to bar close, we finally called it a night. Once we got home and realized it was day light savings, all I could think is... "Oh man, tomorrow is going to be brutal." 

Luckily we all felt a little lazy today. I took advantage of "nap-time" and caught a few Z's while Harper napped. This afternoon we ran around town, and Harper benefited most from our shopping trip. She's really taken a liking to Thomas the Train, so when we saw a little starter set we felt obligated to buy it. It's just a small circular track with a battery operated Thomas that goes around and around. Or at least it's supposed to. Harper was tickled with the new toy, but wouldn't let the train make a full rotation before she ripped him off the track. Whatev, she was enjoying her self and I'm pretty sure that's the point of playing with toys. We also got some magnetic letters for the fridge. Harper is constantly playing with our magnets, so now she has her own set!

This past week, Harper showed us a new trick she learned at my parents house. The girl is slam dunking the basketball like a pro. Okay, I know that statement was a little extreme... but it was too cute not share.

Last week I also made a change. I chopped my hair. A few years ago I donated 10+ inches to Locks of Love, and had been growing my hair out to do it again. I reached my tipping point, and finally said "I don't care how short it will be... I'm cutting it." Well, at my appointment last Monday when she measured the 10 inch ponytail to the bottom of my ear - I backed out. I was probably an inch or two short of donating, but my mind was set - I was chopping my hair. It's probably the shortest it been in a very long time, or maybe ever. I'm loving it, and getting ready in the morning is a breeze. Bring on the warm weather!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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