Mexico Sun

Pure relaxation. That pretty much sums up our 5 day Mexico vacation.

To celebrate my 5 years at REACH, Mitch and I headed to sunny Puerto Vallarta with the company. Harper and Deb brought us to the airport Saturday morning, and as soon as we pulled up to the drop-off curb - the waterworks started. Saying goodbye was pretty much what I expected, but when Harper started crying too that certainly didn't help. While wiping tears, we walked into the airport and realized we weren't the only people traveling for spring break that morning, the lines were insane. After standing in a hefty line to check our bag, and another hefty line to go through security - we were finally making our way to the gate. Everything was on time, so before 7:30am we were Mexico bound.

It's always nice to arrive to a warm destination and still have most of the day to enjoy. By the time we checked into our hotel and grabbed some lunch there was still some time to spare. Naturally that meant pool time. We got our suits on, and headed for the sun loungers. Unfortunately we didn't last too long. I had been fighting a cold/sinus infection/flu and hadn't quite kicked it yet. I was still running a fever from the night before and I knew having the chills at the pool in 70 degree weather wasn't a good thing.  We opted to head back to our room and rest for the night. I wasn't about to feel this crappy for the whole vacation, so sleeping it off seemed like the right idea.

Luckily we woke up the next morning feeling much better. The only down side is I lost my voice, and I still don't have it back 100%. Fortunately you don't need to talk to drink, sleep and tan. Mitch fought a stomach bug while we were there, but got rid of it before we left. We were just a bunch of sickies on this trip, but that didn't stop us. We had one agenda... be lazy. For day two, suits and sun loungers were on the agenda again. Actually - the agenda was the same for days three, four and five. We spent everyday soaking up rays, taking short naps and drinking in the pool. It was quite heavenly.

We had a ton of laughs with my co-workers, ate some incredible food, drank plenty, and got our tan on. Mitch totally conquered the Mexico sun. For those of you who know Mitch's skin, there was ZERO burning. I repeat ZERO BURNING. That's a first!

We had an incredible time away from reality, but were eager to get back to our little girlie. Bob and Deb sent us daily emails with pictures attached so that helped. It looked like she had an awesome time hanging out with them and going on fun adventures. We did Skype once without any issues, but Harper was less than interested. She was more concerned about looking at the geese on Granny and Pops deck. We said goodbye to the Mexico sun and got back to chilly Minnesota late last night.

Since 4 days off isn't enough, Mitch and I decided to take Friday off to end the week. We thought it might be a fun family day since we've been away for awhile. I've been wanting to check out the Minnesota Children's Museum for some time, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. After our date with the taxman this morning, we ventured off to St. Paul to have some fun.

Harper loved the water station, and seriously wouldn't back away from the gears. She pretended to drive a Metro Transit bus and practiced her gardening skills. Clearly we weren't the only people who thought this Friday was a good museum day, the place was filled with kiddos. We had an awesome morning, and I'm sure we'll be back sooner than later.

Since we came home to "spring-ish" weather - we took advantage of the 40 degree temps. We are watching my parent's dog Gracie until they get back tomorrow, so we took her for a walk this afternoon. We decided it was a good day to try out one of Harper's birthday gifts, her new bike! She loved every minute of it, and even wore her helmet the entire time. I'm sure we'll spend the rest of the weekend playing with the pup and taking a few more walks.

It's nice to be home, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the beautiful weather. Hopefully spring is right around the corner. Maybe wishful thinking? Let's hope not!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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