Cruzin' and Crawlin'

Call me a dorky first time parent, I know... but we're just a little proud so I felt like sharing. As you probably already know, I  like to document just about everything with either a photo or a video. Tonight, it's video footage! Harper started making her way across the floor this evening. Not by her usual barrel rolls and scoots - she finally put it together that in order to crawl, she has to move both her arms and legs. For awhile the legs where moving, but the arms stayed put - leaving Harper with a mouth full of floor. 

Tonight it's all changed! We decided to put puffs scattered on the floor to see what she would do. You could see the wheels turning, "Okay, how am I going to get that tasty puff?" VoilĂ , crawling!

Enjoy the short video! :)

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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