Baby Clayton Allen & The London Games

Baby boom! That's what this past week has been amongst a few of our friends. First on Thursday, Mitch's college room-mate Ryan and his wife Amanda welcomed their second baby Brekken James. A couple days later my good friend Melissa and her husband Christian welcomed their third child (and first boy!) Clayton Allen!

After hearing that Clay Medford had blessed us with his presence on Saturday evening, we packed up the car Sunday afternoon and headed to St. Cloud to visit the new family of 5. We arrived to the newly renovated Birth Center at the St. Cloud Hospital, greeted by a friendly nurse to give Mitch, Harper and myself visitor stickers. We made our way through the doors and down the hall to meet baby Clay!

There is just something about holding a newborn baby that's so magical. Holding the little 9 lb miracle, enjoying the snuggles he was so willing to give. Every little sneeze and peep he made was just about the cutest thing I've heard. It's hard to look at our 18 lb daughter and remember her so little. She was busy crawling around on the floor trying to get into everything and anything she could. We tried introducing her to her future boyfriend (yep, Melissa and I are already starting that) but she was too distracted by the others in the room. Soon enough he'll catch her eye. We had such a great afternoon with the Medford's and Morsch's. It's amazing to have friends that you consider family, and getting to share life experiences like these together is such a blessing.

Jen and Harper playing!

Harper, Mads & Clay! :)

This past weekend was also the official start of the summer Olympics. I'm a total sucker for the opening ceremonies and the events that go along with the games. I enjoy watching the theatrics of it all, plus the music is always entertaining. We decided to go out to dinner and watch the opening of the London games at Champps. Mitch rolled his eyes on several occasions, looked at me and said "I don't get it." To be completely honest, I didn't understand everything either... but it was still pretty impressive and kept my interest. Therefore, success. The rest of our weekend was spent watching our summer olympic regulars, swimming, gymnastics, diving, basketball, and volleyball. I've also gained a new crush, Ryan Lochte. We even added a couple obscure events to our viewing schedule. We caught a little archery, some women's handball, badminton and fencing. Let's just say, I'll stick to watching my regular summer sports.

On Saturday Mitch and I ran in the Run For Blood 5k benefiting the American Red Cross. It was a beautiful, sunny morning and it was our first race with Harper. We pulled out the jogging stroller, and laced up our shoes and headed for Lake Calhoun. I always feel great after running, but it made me realize how out of shape I am and how much I need to train before the 10 mile in October. Overall it was a great day, for a great cause!

This week is already cruising by. Thursday is a big day for Mitch. After hounding him for years, he is finally getting Lasik. No more irritated eyes, dry contacts or eyeglasses! I think he is a little anxious about the procedure in general, but very excited for the results.

We're continuing to chase Harper around the house grabbing things out of her hand left and right. She is successfully pulling herself up to her feet on whatever she can. Furniture, railings, coffee tables, you name it. She also mutters "Ma-Ma-Ma" every so often. Mitch's main goal is now "Da-Da-Da." We'll work on it! After being around all these newborns with a head full of hair, we were curious what Harper would look like with a hairdo. We had to improvise with her leggings. I think she sort of looks like Wilma Flintstone, if she had pink hair with buttons. I'm convinced we'll eventually get to put a pony in those locks. I'll have to be patient, we have a long way to go!

Enjoy the Olympics, and welcome August! USA! USA!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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