We're Going To Win Twins... Or Not.

It's been an exhausting weekend, so I'm thankful it's lazy Sunday. Harper and I are just relaxing inside enjoying "Elmo Sings With The Stars" as Mitch cuts the grass. I'm not sure who enjoys this DVD more, me or Harper. I find myself singing along to 'N Sync, Destiny's Child, the Goo Goo Dolls, and Adam Sandler all with Elmo and friends. The songs crack me up, these musicians take their hits and turn them into educational songs for Sesame Street. They are all very catchy!

This past week, we've started to notice Harper is giggling more and more. We were at Austin's baseball game Monday evening, and she was hysterically giggling for no apparent reason. I quickly pulled out my phone to try to capture this goofy giggle. As usual, once she sees my phone in front of me - the show stops. Luckily I did catch a little snippet. Below is a short video featuring her little laugh.

The rest of the week seemed to crawl for both Mitch and I. The work days went fast for me as usual - but overall the week seemed never-ending. It's never a good sign when you wake up Thursday morning thinking it's Friday. Our week was pretty open until Friday, so we spend most of our nights hanging out with Harper, watching our shows and reading. I've sort of turned into a bit a bookworm. As I've mentioned before, I've never been a lover of reading. Television, yes. Books, not so much. Since The Hunger Games trilogy, I've continued reading book after book. Well, my obsession with The Hunger Games has been usurped. I've moved on to what you could call a "Romance" series, Fifty Shades. There has been so much buzz about it lately, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon. In less than a week, I've already read Fifty Shades of Grey and am halfway through book two, Fifty Shades Darker. It truly is an amazing so far, and I can't wait to read who it all ends. I never knew I'd enjoy reading so much. Unfortunately it took me nearly 27 years to figure that out. Better late than never I guess.

This week we also set up Harper's swing on our swing set out back. The weather was beautiful on Wednesday evening so it was perfect, and Harper seemed to enjoy herself in the fresh air. She marked her territory by drooling all over her swing. We swung side by side enjoying the wonderful spring weather! I can see that happening a lot this summer, and we look forward to it!


After a long week, we spent the chilly Friday evening at Target Field for Harper's first Twin's game. My parents share season tickets with other families, so we usually get to enjoy live games 10-20 times per season. I knew the whole experience would be different with Harper, but I think I realized just how different it would be the moment we stepped out of the parked car. She had fallen asleep on the way downtown, so the goal was to take her out of her carseat while maintaining her sleepy status. Umm, fail. I had Harper, her blanket, my purse and camera draped over my body, while Mitch carried the diaper bag, her front carrier and our additional layers for the nights chilly temperatures. It felt like we had enough stuff to stay overnight for a few days. We made our way to the Plaza, got all of our bags checked by security and finally made it through the doors of Target Field. We walked around a bit, and Papa Jim "had" to buy Harper a Twins bear in the ProShop before the game. He said, "she told me she wanted this." Oh Dad.

Once we got to our seats, she was content for a while. We made it through the national anthem and the first couple innings before the loud screams began. She was rubbing her eyes, so I knew these mini outbursts were due to sleepiness. Harper and I made our way to the top of the stairs to stand under the heaters and bounce while watching the game. After awhile, she was out - but not for long. We ended up staying until the 8th inning. By then it was 9:30 and Miss Thang was all tuckered out. She did alright for her first game, but unfortunately her presence didn't bring the Twins a victory. Maybe next time we'll get to sit and our seats more and see "Twins Win" in the flashing lights.

This sort of sums up our evening.

Saturday morning our alarm starting buzzing at 6:30am... on a weekend. Part of me feels like that should be illegal. Reluctantly, I rolled out of bed to get ready for our first 5K of the summer. This is the 2nd year we've participated in the Get In Gear run at Minnehaha Falls. Since we woke up to nearly freezing temperatures, rain and howling wind we decided to drop Harper off at my parents and face the race on our own. We arrived to the start of the race with 30 minutes to spare, which meant standing around outside in the cold. Not my idea of fun. Once the race started, our bodies started to warm up and my negative attitude drifted away. As we crossed the finish line, I felt so much better and of course happy that we got out of bed to do this! We quickly made our way to food tent, grabbed some goodies and headed back to the car. With such a dreary day outside - we stuck to indoor activities. My Dad and Mitch headed to Fury Motorcycle for their annual open house. Us ladies headed to Ridgedale for some retail therapy. Nice little Saturday if you ask me. Our evening ended with Amanda coming over to visit. After awhile, we took off to AMC to see The Lucky One. The movie was so cute, as was Zac Efron. I always enjoy our BFF time together, it'll never get old!

After a hectic couple of days, this family is hanging low. We might not get out of our jammies, and I'm totally okay with that!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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