Growin' Like A Weed

Who knew packing baby clothes away would be such an emotional experience. Not tears emotional, but packing away itty bitty baby clothes is just so sad. I think it's pretty safe to say Harper is officially out of the 0-3 month clothes. We're moving on the bigger and better things, 3-6 month threads. Last weekend we spent most of the day Saturday gathering the clothes that are too snug, and packing them away. I think I mumbled "oh this was so cute" to almost everything I folded and put in the bin.

While cleaning out Harper's closet I came across this adorable dress she hadn't worn yet. It was a 0-3 month, but it looked like it ran on the bigger side. We were planning to have dinner with Paul & Kody that night, so I set it aside for Harper's Saturday night outfit. We met Paul & Kody at Old Chicago in Minnetonka for dinner and to check out the NCAA Final Four. It was so nice catching up with them, and we were even able to sneak in our usual game of Photo Hunt. Our Photo Hunt madness started a few years ago, now every time we go to dinner somewhere that has the electronic game we have to play. I'm pretty sure we still have the high score at Sneaker's in Duluth. After dinner we went over to their house to visit and see their "puppy" Maggie. I put puppy in quotes because she is 88 lbs, so she doesn't look like a puppy. Maggie is a bernese mountain dog and just about the sweetest puppy I've ever met. She was great with Harper, she was just so curious. She just sniffed her feet, and licked her toes a few times. Harper just laughed. Paul decided we should put a saddle on Maggie and Harper can just ride her - next time!

The work week went fast, which is always nice. Jen Helleen is in town from California and came over to visit us on Wednesday night. She and Matt were in town when Harper was born, but due to the circumstances they were never able to actually hold her. Well, Jen and Harper finally got to bond - and I think it was a great time had by all! Harper was pretty chatty and of course drooling all over. It was so nice to see Jen, and finally get to catch up! We got to talk about trash TV, and celebrity gossip. Our conversation seemed to focus on Xtina and her fashion choices on The Voice. Jen is working to make Harper a hat like Christina wore during the battle rounds. I can't wait!

Thursday REACH had a bowling outing at Tuttle's in Hopkins. We worked until 3, and then the chain of cars made their way to the bowling alley. This outing confirmed what I already knew... I'm a terrible bowler. I couldn't even break 100, my final score was 99. Ugh, so close. I always enjoy our work outings, I must say my co-worker's are a pretty fun crew! After I left Tuttle's I had to go pick up Harper at the baseball field. Austin had his first game of the season, and Harper and my Mom were cheering in the stands. Grandma Trish had Harper decked out in her orange and black, and even found a "We love our Orioles" onesie. She was stylin' in her Osseo gear and studded shades. What a diva.

Amanda came over last night to visit and tell us about her recent trip to Arizona. She brought Harper a gift - the perfect travel size Elmo and a framed picture she took on her trip. When I opened the frame, I was shocked she randomly came across this sign in AZ. What are the odds right?

I might a horrible Mom for doing this, but we've recently noticed when you blow in Harper's face she makes this adorable noise and actually seems to enjoy it. I do feel a little bad blowing in her face for my own entertainment. Obviously I don't feel too bad, because I've captured this short video for your entertainment. Enjoy! :) There are also some random pictures of Miss Thang from this week.

Tonight we're hanging out with Helleen's and Jen again. We're planning to dye Easter eggs and get ready for the festivities tomorrow! Hope everyone has a great Easter!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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