Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

Sunday was what my Mom calls "Harper's birthday." I keep telling her, every month is not her birthday and she doesn't need gifts - but they just keep coming! It's crazy to think 4 months have already come and gone. At the same time I feel like she's been a part of our family for years! Over the last few weeks she has been sooo close to rolling from her back to her stomach. She practically sleeps on her side nowadays, but she couldn't quite get over that last little hurdle. As we were enjoying our lazy Sunday, it happened! Harper was laying on the floor, and Mitch and I watched her turn herself all the way over on her belly. In the words of Johnny Drama, VICTORY! That night I woke up to struggling grunts over the baby monitor. When I went in to her room to check on her she was a face down wiggle worm.

That can't be comfy. 

She loves getting her picture taken :)

This week was pretty uneventful for us. Unfortunately we're experiencing normal Minnesota April temperatures, which sort of has everyone in a slump. After the weeks of beautiful sunny 70-80 degree temps in March it's hard to wake up and see that the temperature is hovering around freezing. Austin has started his baseball season through the high school, so Harper has had plenty of practice as an Osseo cheerleader already. Osseo played Armstrong on Tuesday, so the game was at Bass Lake Playfields which happens to be less than a mile away from my parents house. As I was getting out of my car to pick up Harper so many old memories started flooding my head. We used to bike down to this park everyday to hang on the playground, check out the tennis courts, or just sit and gossip. Images of 10 year old Melissa, Bri, Jenny and myself popped up. I couldn't help but smile. Gosh we had some good times there. I brought Harper down to the play area and snapped a quick picture of her in the swing. She was still a little too small, but it turned out to be a cute pic. It always helps when I get a smile out of her!

I guess I take back that our week was uneventful. Thursday, Harper had her 4 month check up. We were excited to see how much our little chubs weighed, but weren't necessarily looking forward to the shots. She was such a trooper and did great. That cry after the shots however just breaks your heart. She just looks at us like, "why on earth would you let them do this to me?" Here are the stats from the appointment, and a quick pic I took before the she got poked.

Weight: 16 lbs 9oz (this puts her in the 95%)
Length: 25 1/4 inches (this puts her in the 75%-95%)

After the appointment we took Harper to Toys R Us to see if she would "pick out" a new toy for her good appointment. Let me just set up the visual for you... Harper is in her carseat in the cart. We take toys (usually Sesame Street, Barney or Disney related) and put them up in front of her muttering phrases like "Do you like this toy?" or "What do you think about Elmo?". If we get a reaction from her such as a smile or a giggle, we assume she likes it and it usually ends up in our cart. I'm sure plenty of people look at us like we're wacky, or they think "Oh, those first time parents!" Last time we did this, Harper walked away with a talking Elmo that sings songs about shapes and colors. During our latest trip, the only reaction we got was a stone face. Zero reaction to anything we put in front of her. After several attempts to woo her over with some toy, we ended up walking out without any bags. Someday she'll learn to jump on the opportunity when we're willing to buy her something - I know I did with my parents. She still has so much to learn! :) We grabbed a quick dinner at Noodles and came home to relax for the rest of night and play with Harps. Here are some pictures from our Thursday evening post shots.

Last night Harper got to meet Great Aunt Margie Schumer. She decided to come up for a long weekend and visit. We sat around chatting and watching Food Network at my parents house while Harper and Aunt Margie got to know one another. It was great seeing her, and I know Harper enjoyed it too! As for weekend plans, we have nothing in the books. We're going with the flow, so we'll see what happens.

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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