Diva in Training

Recently Harper has debuted this wonderful high pitch scream that seems to get louder and louder. It also seems to come out when we're in public. Usually once you stand up with her the screams taper off, but not always. If she doesn't get what she wants, she certainly lets you know about it. We're going to need to change her diva status.

I'm also excited to share Harper's 3-month photos! We got the CD yesterday from Misty May Photography, and we love them! She got some great shots of Harper, and a couple family shots too! Below are a few of our favorites!

Last Sunday we had a busy Easter. We started off our day heading to the 10am church service at Lord of Life. We were meeting both my parents and Mitch's family there to start our Easter morning. We came fully equipped with a full bottle, and Elmo toys in case we had any meltdowns. I'm happy to report we got to enjoy the entire service without any issues. She was very content chewing on her toys and checking out everything going on around her. After church we headed to Granite City for brunch with my parents. The spread was incredible - french toast, sausage, bacon, omelet bar, cinnamon rolls, cheesy potatoes and bottomless mimosas. I think it's safe to say we were all happy with our brunch choice, plus no one had to cook! That afternoon we headed out to Shoreview to Mitch's Aunt Tracy & Uncle Tim's house. They haven't really seen Harper since Christmas, so it's been awhile. I think Harper enjoyed all the extra attention, and got plenty of love.

Unfortunately this week we've also been battling Harper's first cold. It all started Easter afternoon. She was getting pretty fussy, had red watery eyes, and we noticed she was getting a stuffy nose. This went on for a couple days, but I think we're close to being done with our first cold experience. I think part of it might also be her gums hurting. We headed to Walgreens and found some baby Orajel to test out. Let's just say it's not Harper's favorite, she makes an awful face and ends up spitting most of it out. We've realized we need to have a spit rag ready whenever we apply!

Last night Harper finally got to meet the Stuntz's! Kel was in town days before Harper was born, but had to leave before she decided to grace us with her presence. We're so excited Kelly and Ryan are moving to Minnesota in June, it'll be so nice to have them close! They are in town from California checking out apartments and getting things together for the move! I'm pretty sure Harper loved Ryan and Kel! She was so content and comfortable, she even thought pooping on Ryan sounded like a good idea! We all visited for awhile catching up and hanging with Harps. After awhile we headed to Maple Tavern for dinner. If you ever go there, I highly recommend the Southwest Burger. TO. DIE. FOR! After our diva in training decided to start her screaming routine we packed up to head back home. Kel and Ryan came over for a little bit to hang with Harper. There was no more pooping, just some smiles and lots of laughs! It was soooo great seeing them, and we can't wait for this summer to have them just down 494 from us!

With no plans this weekend, we look forward to hanging low and hopefully enjoying the beautiful weather!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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