Wedding Weekend!

We're so excited this weekend is finally here, Matt & Jenny are getting married!

For those of you who don't know, Matt is Mitch's younger brother. He and Jenny have been dating since their days back at Osseo Senior High, and Saturday we get to celebrate the two of them and their special day!

Soon-to-be Matt & Jenny Helleen!

It's always so nice to have everyone home together, especially when it's for a wedding. Tonight we had a BBQ at Bob & Deb's to start off the weekend celebration. It was nice to sit around relax with family and share stories and laughs. Matt & Jen also gave us a baby gift tonight since they're unable to attend the shower. They gave us entirely too much... but I must say, it's all soooo adorable. Baby H now has a carrier so Mitch can tote her around along with some stylin' new clothes and two classic books. We attempted to put Belle in the carrier, but she wanted nothing to do with it.

Practicing with Belle

Tomorrow us ladies are going to get our nails done and enjoy a fun lunch together. We have rehearsal tomorrow night, followed by dinner. Saturday is the big day, full of fun and festivities. Jenny is going to be an absolutely stunning bride, and we're just excited for the two of them! I'll share all the fun details in next week's entry, plus photos of course!

Everything is still going great as far as the pregnancy goes. I've noticed a little back pain, but nothing major. Baby H is moving like crazy. She seems to be most active early in the morning and right before bed! It's such a fun feeling, and wild to see my actual belly moving! It's crazy to think just a couple more months until we finally meet her. We're almost down to single digit weeks, where on earth has the time gone?

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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