Growing Family

This past weekend we added another member to the Helleen family. Mitch's brother Matt married his high school sweetheart Jenny, so she is finally officially a Helleen! 

We had such an amazing weekend with family and friends. The wedding went off without a hitch, and I think it's safe to say everyone had a marvelous time! It's so fun to watch a couple like Matt & Jen who are meant to be together. They were constantly smiling all weekend, which put a grin on everyone else's face. 

The ceremony was beautiful. Jenny looked stunning as her Dad walked her down the aisle. She was adorable during vows, she asked the Pastor "Can't I just say I do?" They were pronounced Husband & Wife, and that's when the party started. The reception was held at Elm Creek Chalet, and it was gorgeous. We visited with family and friends, shared tears and laughs, and danced the night away celebrating Matt & Jenny Helleen! As many of you know, I am a little obsessive with photos, very paparazzi like... so below are a few of my favorites from the night.

The Helleen's

The Newlyweds!


Me and the Hubby

Some more good news... our nursery is finally completed! We picked up the chair tonight, and got everything assembled. This week I've realized we don't have that much time left. Only 11 weeks left of this process, and then we finally get to meet our baby girl. It's exciting and terrifying all at the same time. We are touring the birthing center at the hospital this Thursday, and start birthing classes next week. Before you know it, December will be here and everything will change. I truly can't wait. Enjoy a few pics from the nursery.

The squares hanging are the name, just turned around. It's secret :)


Until next time...
The Helleen's


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