So Long Summer!

To my fellow Minnesota residents, did anyone else shed a tear this morning when it was in the 30's? Yep, out-of-towners... I said 30's. We went from enjoying a beautiful weekend, and 90 degrees Monday to waking up to frost and 32 degrees this morning. Luckily it did warm up to almost 60 degrees today and we're supposed to have a decent weekend, so maybe winter isn't here quite yet.

This past weekend was pretty low key for us. There were no set plans, which was nice for a change. Saturday we headed out to Blaine to watch Austin's football game. For those of you who don't know, I'm completely clueless when it comes to football. I could hardly keep track of Austin on the field, since everyone looks exactly the same out there! My tolerance for football is getting higher, and I'm starting to understand the rules.

We also headed down to the new Babies R' Us/Toys R' Us Superstore in Minnetonka. It was the grand opening, and that store pretty much rocks. It's huge, and the toy section is every kids dream (and Mitch's!). We walked around the entire store making sure we didn't see anything else we wanted to register for. They had TONS of giveaways which was fun, we got two free bottles and a lunch box just for stopping in. We also got the cutest plush pig for Baby H's room. I have a serious problem when it comes to pigs, I just adore them. They are all around the house, and how in Baby H's room!

Sunday was Papa Bear's 48th birthday! It was a beautiful day, sunny, 80's and not a cloud in the sky. We decided to soak up the sun one more weekend on Lake Minnetonka. We spend most of the day relaxing on the boat, enjoying family time! We had a little excitement at Big Island when another boat ran into us. We were anchored just relaxing, when a bigger boat came cruising in to park. It wasn't very crowded so he had plenty of room, but decided to go right next to us. We assumed he had everything under control until we realized he was not slowing down and was ridiculously close to us. Before we had time to react, he hit our boat putting a nice gash in the side. No one was hurt, which is always positive but that wasn't really the birthday gift my Dad was looking for! We caught the first half of Vikings game at Fletcher's where we saw a wicked wrecked car in the parking lot! (See Austin's picture below). We ended the day chowing down Famous Daves, and Dad's favorite cake. Overall I'd say it was a successful birthday! 

Austin and the crazy car!

Week 27 has gone pretty smooth. I've noticed everyday tasks are getting a little more difficult, like getting up off the floor! We signed up for birthing classes and a tour of birthing center at the hospital! Time is going so fast, it's hard to believe we have less than 3 months!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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