New Wheels

Well, it's official. I'm an owner of a 4-door vehicle. We've been researching mid-sized SUV's for a few weeks and took the opportunity over the long labor day weekend to start looking seriously and test drive a few cars. We had it narrowed down to a few models that were in our price range. On Saturday we bummed around Brooklyn Park and test drove a Hyundai Santa Fe and a Honda CRV. We really loved the Santa Fe, but wanted to keep looking around to see if we could find a better deal. On Labor Day we headed down to Bloomington to a dealership that had the three models we were looking at, the Hyundai Santa Fe, the Kia Sportage and the Mitsubishi Outlander. I immediately fell in love with this beautiful Diamond White Outlander, plus it was a little cheaper than the Santa Fe we had our eyes on. We went for a test drive, ran some numbers and came home with a brand new SUV! Baby H is all set, and doesn't have to worry about the 2-door Hyundai! 

Our New Ride!

On Sunday we headed up to Brainerd for the day to celebrate Melissa and Julianne's birthdays. It seems like just a few months ago Mitch and I were heading up to St. Cloud to visit Christian, Melissa, big sister Madison and new baby Julianne in the hospital! It was so nice to spend the day with the Medford's, Malat's, and Morsch's. We sat around playing with the kiddos, had a wonderful dinner and played a couple extremely competitive games of Yahztee. It's always such a great time getting all of us together, and I wish we could do it more. We had an amazing time celebrating their birthdays, and spending quality time with great friends!

Us with the birthday girls!

Tuesday we had our latest doctors appointment. We're almost done with week 26, and over the past few weeks my bump has turned more into a belly. I can also see my belly moving, she seems to be most active at night right before bed. At this appointment I had to do the glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. I had heard from others and from reading online that they just have you drink a gatorade type drink, wait an hour and draw some blood. I didn't expect to drink an entire bottle (10 ounces to be exact) of this overly sweet drink. For whatever reason, I pictured a dixie cup full... not a whole bottle. I downed the bottle of orange sugar water, and went in for my routine check up. Everything is looking good, we're on track for weight gain, belly measurements and Baby H's heartbeat was going strong. After waiting an hour, they pricked my finger and took a little blood. Results came back just fine, but I was a little low on iron. Nothing serious or anything to worry about, they just gave me a sheet of foods I should try to add into my diet. 

Overall, we had a terrific labor day weekend and a good 26 week appointment! We are starting to look into birthing classes, which makes it feel like it's that much closer. Time sure is flying by, Baby H is going to be here before we know it! We can't even wait! 

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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