Parrotheads in Chicagoland

Most people know I'm a giant Jimmy Buffett fan. It's something my Dad and I share, and it was music he raised me on. This past weekend we took a road trip with my parents to Chicago to see him in concert. We hit the road bright and early on Friday morning... first stop Milwaukee. Since both my Dad and Mitch are Harley owners, we decided to make a pit stop at the Harley Museum. It was a nice break in our road trip, and it's something the boys can cross off their bucket list.

After lunch we headed back on the road - just in time to arrive downtown Chicago during rush-hour. We quickly realized Illinois drivers are little more aggressive than we're used to. Let's just say they aren't "Minnesota Nice" when in come to driving etiquette. After an hour and half of traffic downtown we finally made it to our hotel and headed to Giordano's to introduce my parents to Chicago style pizza. It's probably a good thing I don't live in that city, blocks away from that pizza!

Saturday we bummed around the city. We checked out The Bean, and ate lunch at Margaritaville to prep ourselves for the concert. While at Navy Pier I found the cutest winter hat for Baby H. I splurged and bought it, even though I knew it was over-priced. It was just too darn cute and I'm a sucker for hats. Mitch and my Dad also enjoyed a little retail therapy and bought Baby H her first Harley Davidson onesie.

Adorable Overpriced Winter Hat 
Baby H's 1st Harley Shirt 

The night we headed to the concert early to do some tailgating. It always amazes me how friendly his fans are, and holy moly do they know how to party. We grilled cheeseburgers (with Heinz 57) and mingled with the fellow Parrotheads. The rain held off for the entire concert, and we all had a great time! Jimmy Buffett was incredible and always puts on an amazing show! Overall we had an great road trip to Chicago, and we can't wait for next year!

The Gang at Jimmy Buffett

Today we had our 2nd ultrasound, and we are officially 20 weeks. Halfway there! She told us everything looks great, and confirmed we were having a baby girl! It's so incredible to see our little girlie, and I can't wait to finally meet her! Only 20 more weeks, and I'm sure they'll go as fast as the first 20!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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