
Today was the day... the day we've been waiting for since we had our first appointment 12 weeks ago. We had our 20 week ultrasound appointment this afternoon and found out a few exciting things.

1. Due Date Change

After they took a few measurements of Baby H, they decided to push our due date back. Instead of being due on Black Friday (11/25) they have pushed us back 2 weeks to 12/9. That means we're actually at 18 weeks this week rather than 20. We are going back in 7/25 for another ultrasound (when we're actually at 20 weeks.) They want the baby to grow a little more and check a few things out in a couple weeks. Everything she checked tonight looks great, so that's great news!

2. Baby's Anatomy

It was absolutely fascinating watching our baby move around. The ultrasound technician pointed out all the different parts of our little babers. We saw the heart pumping, the hands and legs moving... we saw our little baby for the first time. It was sucking its thumb and moving its arms all around. It was unbelievable.

3. Gender

I had nightmares for the last two weeks that during our ultrasound they would tell me... "Sorry, we just can't tell if it's a boy or a girl." Right when the ultrasound started, the first thing she said was, "Oh the baby's butt is facing us, that makes it harder to determine the sex." She went through and did her necessary measurements, in the end told us she is 85%-90% sure we're having a baby girl! She pointed out three little points they look for to determine if it's a girl, and said didn't see any boy parts. When we go back in two weeks we'll get another view and hopefully Baby H will be in a better position.

Now that we are pretty certain we're adding a little girlie to our family, it's time to start thinking nursery colors, names, extra closet space, clothes/shoes and all that fun stuff! I have a feeling this little girl is going to be very spoiled!

Mitch is already putty in our baby girl's hand. She has him wrapped around her itty bitty finger before she is even born. He told me tonight he is going to need to work on saying "no." I can already see that I'll have to be the one to put my foot down. I'll work on that!

Tonight was amazing, it made everything very real. We're going to be parents to a baby girl. Only 22 more weeks until we can finally meet her.

Until next time...
The Helleen's


  1. I didn't know you had a blog! Congrats on the (probable) girl!!So exciting! But bummer on moving the due date out...blah!


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