Mission: Missouri!

Mitch and I ventured down to St. Louis to visit my side of the family for the 4th of July. I wasn't sure if my flying experience would change now that I'm pregnant, but fortunately everything was smooth sailing.

We landed Saturday morning and were greeted by my Aunt Joan & Betty at the airport. On our way to the lake we made a quick pit stop at Psghetti's for lunch... mmmm Cheese Melts (Aunt Joan & I used to eat here all the time)! We spend the rest of day relaxing at the beach, soaking up the sun, and hanging out with family. We also got to celebrate Grandma's 68th birthday on Sunday at the lake. Aunt Nita and Kenny also made it down for the BBQ, so everyone was there to celebrate! All I can say is... I have one crazy family, and if ever need a songwriter Joan Dunlap is your gal. :)

The morning of the 4th was an interesting one. I'm not sure if it was pregnancy related, or what but I spent most of my day in bed and could barely keep anything down. I was able to make it to the Parade that morning, but when we got home it started all over again. We had to miss the Schumer 4th of July BBQ, which still bums me out. 

Fortunately I woke up Tuesday feeling much better, and could actually keep food down. We went over to Aunt Margie Schumer's to visit with her and Aunt Jeanie. It was great to see them, it's been way too long! After we left, we headed up to St. Louis to do some site-seeing. We had lunch at Show-Me's on the river, went to the Arch and the Old Courthouse. Did a pit stop at Doc's Harley and ended with ice cream from Ted Drewes. It was a great day with family walking around the city. That night we took Grandpa to dinner at one of my favorite Pizza places ever... Pogolino's. 

Overall it was a great trip, and my Missouri family got to see my "bump." We're almost done with week 19, and the halfway mark is days away. Not to mention in less than a week, we can finally find out what Baby H is! The 11th can't come quick enough!

Until next time...
The Helleen's

The Arch 
Ice Cream at Ted Drewes

Mitch and I at The Old Courthouse


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