Holy Heat Wave!

In my 18 years in Minnesota I must admit, I've never experienced a summer quite a humid as this. Living in Missouri, and frequently visiting in the summers I was always very thankful my parents moved me to the beautiful state on Minnesota. Clearly I spoke too soon! It's been in the high 90's for the last 4 days, and when you add the humidity we're talking 100-120 heat index. The 10-day forecast doesn't look much cooler, but I'm confident we'll survive. I feel like I can't complain about the heat since I pray for warm days in the winter months when it's -30. 

Since it was so hot outside this past weekend, Mitch and I spent most of our time inside getting things done around the house. We finally took on the task of cleaning out our closets and getting rid of clothes we've been storing for way too long! When I found a t-shirt in my closet from Abercrombie Kids I knew this was way past due! Together we gathered 12 bags full of clothes to give away to Disabled American Veterans. It feels great to have that checked off our "to do list" before the baby comes. 

During this process, we emptied the closet in the soon to be nusery. My Mom brought over a bag of clothes, so we hung everything up and started organizing things a bit. Amanda's friend Camille sent over nursery design ideas, so we're also starting to think about color schemes. We've narrowed our name list down to two, but we still have some time to think about that. The planning process has definitely started! 

We have our 2nd ultrasound next Monday the 25th, so we'll get to see our little baby at 20 weeks and get confirmation that we are indeed having a girl! Can't wait!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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