
Emmett has a set of chompers! 

The last couple weeks have been extra slobbery and a little uncomfortable for lil' E, but finally his first teeth have poked through. The drool and constant need to chew on everything hasn't gone away and from what I remember with Harper - those characteristics tend to last forever. I'm still reminding Harper not to chew on things! 

Last week Emmett celebrated his 7 month "birthday." We've witnessed a lot of change in our little dude over the last month. Here's just a few of things he's mastered or discovered over the last 4 weeks:
  • Sitting on his own
  • Rolling like a crazy man
  • Eating everything in sight (even peas!)
  • Drinking from a straw
  • Picking up and eating puffs
  • Raspberries and loud screeching are his specialty 
  • Prefers to sleep on his belly
I'm sure within the next month or so, we'll see scooting and maybe even crawling! Before you know it, we'll be pulling the baby gates out of storage!

Now that's it's nearly April, most of us Minnesotans are totally over winter (myself being one of them). That little glimpse of spring we had a few weeks ago has stuck with all of us, so when we woke up to a dusting of snow last week - everyone was bitter. Everyone except Harper. 

My little snow baby begged to go outside. I gave in, so we bundled up (hopefully for the last time) and headed outside. We gathered as much snow as we could find to make our first snowman this winter. Harper dressed her in a pink hat and named her Sally. Snowballs were thrown and snow angels, or grass angels were made. It was a fun last hurrah of the snowy season.  

The work week flew by and before I knew it, it was Friday. We had plans that night to meet a group of friends for a surprise 30th birthday dinner for Kelly. We met at Jake O'Connors in Excelsior for a celebratory dinner. The birthday girl walked in, surprised to see us there. There were so many laughs at dinner, I forgot how much fun my high school girls can be! 

Afterwards, we kept the party going at Mainstreet Bar & Grille in Hopkins. A large group of Kel's volleyball friends were there waiting for to surprise her. (I also realized just how short I am hanging out with the volleyball crowd!) It was such a fun night, celebrating the birthday girl! 

We made plans to go to the Donnie Smith Bike & Car Show with my parents on Saturday. Like usual, the early morning wake up call required McDonalds breakfast and a very large diet coke. The St. Paul RiverCentre was packed. I quickly realized pushing the sit and stand stroller through the crowds of people wasn't the easiest thing ever. I even heard a few people voice their opinion as they passed the stroller. I believe one woman muttered, "Ugh, kids. They shouldn't be allowed here." Umm, I take it she's not a mother. :)

After we browsed all the bikes, we headed to Cosetta's for lunch. Harper had a piece of pizza that was bigger than her face! By mid afternoon, both kids were ready for naps - I think Mitch and I were too. The remainder of our evening was filled with couch lounging and basketball. Perfection.

After singing the winter blues last week, I was happy to see the forecast this morning. 50's and 60's forecasted all week, spring is hopefully here to stay! Harper was happy to ditch her coat and finally be able to play on the playground again. We even broke out the sidewalk chalk and Harper drew her best portrait. Such an artist. :)

Hope everyone has a great week!

Until next timeā€¦
The Helleens


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