Birthday Trip, BOOKED!

As my 30th birthday creeps a little closer, I'm starting to accept the fact that my status as a "20-something" is coming to an end. What better way to celebrate a milestone birthday than with a trip?

It was Mitch's idea to take my 30th celebration on the road. We brainstormed destinations and agreed that Nashville seemed like there perfect spot to welcome my 30's. After coordinating travel dates and babysitters we finally booked our long weekend to Music City. 

The countdown has begun (73 days) and if anyone has tips or suggestions for our Nashville stay - I'd love to hear them!

Last weekend we ventured to the Minneapolis Convention Center for the Auto Show. Mitch is in the market for a new vehicle, so we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to check out the possibilities. Harper loved climbing in the cars and every single time she insisted on turning on the hazard lights. Jeep had a kids corner where Harper got to "test drive" her own car. It was no surprise she chose the pink and purple Dora Jeep. 

Mitch has his choices narrowed down and it's likely he'll be the owner of a new vehicle sooner than later. Let the searching begin!

Did I mention it's currently snowing as I sit here and type? Ugh. Just one week ago we were coatless, enjoying 60 and even 70 degree temperatures. It was heavenly, but deep down in my gut I knew our Minnesota winter wasn't actually over.

We soaked up as much time outside as we could, coatless and with smiles on our faces. Our walks were longer and our meals were grilled. Mitch and I even managed to get some yard work done. (in March!) 

Harper could spend the entire day outside, if we'd let her. She can't get enough of the swing set and loves to gather sticks. (I know who will be helping us with yard work this spring!) Emmett sat in the grass for the first time and seemed unsure the entire time. Even though there is a dusting of white stuff on the ground tonight, I'm hopeful real spring is right around the corner!

This past week I got another taste of what it's like to be a dance Mom. Harper had pictures and I was giddy with excitement. I decided to leave work a smidgen early to have time to curl her hair and apply makeup.

I quickly realized curling the hair of a 3-year old wasn't as much fun as I had imagined. It was team effort (thanks Mom) and we wrapped up hair and makeup just in time. Within minutes, Harper was in complete meltdown mode. She was sobbing uncontrolably and wouldn't tell us why she was crying. With every tear, the little makeup we did put on her vanished. She was flustered. I was flustered. It was not a good start.

I agreed to let her play with my phone on the ride to dance class, which seemed to calm her down. Once we arrived, she handed my phone back to me politely and was sweet little Harper again. We reapplied her makeup in the car and headed inside the studio. The girls were excited to see each other all dolled up and the site of all them together melted my heart. 

Our frantic start wound up being a successful night. I'm excited to see the pictures! 

For TFFN, Harper decided to go swimming again. It's amazing to think just a year ago she refused to get her hair or face wet. She's getting more and more comfortable with the water and is finally going down the slide by herself (this took some major convincing). Emmett and I watch from the sidelines, but I'm thinking it's about time to introduce Mr. E to the water. We need to prepare him for the lake this summer! :) 

Friday, Mitch and I had a date night at the movies. Auntie Jen watched the kiddos (thanks) while I dragged Mitch to Insurgent on opening night. I loved the Divergent trilogy and accept the fact that I'm a 14 year old girl at heart. 

The theater was packed and I'm not proud to admit that Mitch and I crushed a large popcorn. I really enjoyed the movie and am looking forward to final installment, Allegiant next year. Yes, I'll probably be there opening night again sporting my fangirl swag. Don't judge. 

It's been awhile since we had a weekend free of plans, so I was looking forward to ours. We spent the days lounging in our jammies, working on art projects, playing outside, watching March madness and making meals at home. It was great and just what we needed. 

Until next timeā€¦
The Helleens


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