Another year older, another year wiser. 

Last Sunday was Mitch's 31st birthday and we had a family filled day celebrating. The birthday boy had only one request - a day without plans. The days leading up to March 1st were filled with dinner dates and pre-planned activities, so the thought of "a day of nothing" sounded heavenly (even to this go-go-goer). 

We woke up, made pancakes for breakfast and opened presents in our pajamas. Our agenda for the day was in Mitch's hands and I quickly realized he had a few ideas up his sleeve. Once we all were ready for the day, we ventured up to Cabela's in Rogers to do a little shopping. While Mitch perused the store, I took the kiddos on our usual animal viewing excursion. Afterwards we ran a few other errands (of Mitch's choice) and stopped at Solo's Pizza Café for lunch. The rest of the day was spent at home, sitting on the couch and eating carrot cake. 

I think the newly 31 year-old enjoyed his low-key birthday. We're lucky to have such a wonderful husband, father and friend in our lives. Happy birthday Mitch, we love you!


Last Friday we also got to celebrate Nick's return to Minnesota. He was in town for 2 short days before heading to Alaska for his new life adventure as an air traffic controller. We made sure we had an opportunity to see him before he left. After dinner at Granite City, we went back to the Helleen house for cake. Harper and Emmett got a few Uncle Nick snuggles before we had to say goodbye. 

Nick has officially been in Alaska for a week now. We're looking forward to hearing all about it, and maybe someday traveling there for a visit. Way to go Nick on following your dream and making it your new reality! 

Our week was pretty standard and close to our normal routine. Dance was extra exciting Tuesday evening - it was costume night! I'm not sure who was more excited, me or Harper. We ripped open the bag and tried on her purple poofy Wiggle costume. She was soooo excited and the fact that is was purple made her beam even more. I'm not sure how many times I heard, "Pink and purple are my favorite colors. I love my purple costume!" The four adorable girlies performed their Wiggle dance in their new costumes for us - and once again my heart melted. That May recital can't come soon enough!

Since Thursday Family Fun Night (TFFN) was canceled last week due to our tax appointment, we made sure Harper got to choose our activity this week. It only took her a few seconds to tell us she wanted to go bowling again. I believe the response was something like, "Bowling! Bowling! I want to go bowling! I LOVE bowling!" We made arrangements that Mitch would pick up the kids after work and meet me at Brunswick Zone in Eden Prairie. 

We pulled into the packed parking lot around 5:30. With limited spots left to park, I had a bad feeling about our bowling promise. Once the guy at the desk told me there were no open lanes for he next hour and half, we had to find a way to break that news to our excited 3-year old. Harper had already stripped off her coat and winter hat and was admiring the pink ball she had talked about the whole drive. The girl was ready to bowl!

Harper was disappointed and showed us her best frowny face. Thankfully there is an arcade, so we enticed her with games. Her frowny face quickly disappeared and she was running around playing game after game. It wasn't the TFFN we had in mind, but it ended up working out. A few times throughout the night she'd look at one of us and say, "but I just want to bowl!" The bowling promise is still in place, so strikes and spares are in our future.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until next time…
The Helleens


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