Yo Ho Ho! Harper's Pirate Party! (and Thanksgiving too)
Shiver me timbers, Harper's 3!
Well, technically she will be on December 15th but that didn't stop us from celebrating a little early this past weekend. By request of the birthday girl, we celebrated - pirate style. We invited our families and some of Harper's favorite mateys to help make her 3rd birthday extra special.
Treasure chests were filled with candy, jewels and gold doubloons. Pirate swag and goodie bags were set out for the kiddos. Harper approved foods such as soup, chili, mini cheese sammies and mac-n-cheese bites were all set out. We were ready to party!
Harper had a blast! Kids were everywhere, and it was chaotic and awesome. They played in the playroom, slid down the stairs, dressed up as pirates and had plenty of sword fights.
She certainly is a very lucky, very loved little girl. Many wonderful gifts were unwrapped, and now they litter the floors of our house. It was great to have most of our family and close friends over to celebrate Miss Thang's day. We certainly missed Nick at the party. All the way from Oklahoma, Harper received a pirate themed snap chat wishing her a happy birthday!
Thanks again to everyone who made pirate Harper's party so memorable. Just tonight she told me, "Hey Mom, remember my birthday party? That was fun!"
Before Harper's party on Saturday, we celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday with our family and friends. Like usual, we started off Thursday morning with a 5K run around Rice Lake. This was the 6th Annual Helleen Family Fun Run, and it was a chilly one!
I checked the weather before we walked out the door and was sad to see my phone said 0Ā°. We had many participants muttered, "are we actually doing this?" I admit, I was thinking the same thing. Ten of us continued the turkey day tradition and bundled up to brave the freezing temperatures. It was cold, there is no denying that. I also realized I'm insanely out of shape - but, I finished! Afterwards, we all came back to our house for holiday cocktails and a delicious breakfast! It was a terrific way to start off our Thanksgiving.
Every year, we have Thanksgiving dinner at Helleen's. My parents decided not to go to Missouri this year, so they joined us for dinner. This is always one of my favorite holidays. With family being such a big part of our lives, this is a day to show our thanks and share our blessings with those we love. Plus, pie is involved! How can you not love this holiday?
We have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season. Amazing, supportive and loving families. Two beautiful healthy kiddos. Awesome friends. Life is good!
I've expressed my love for Black Friday shopping for years. It's a family tradition that takes me back to my childhood in Missouri. Now, I've recruited my own Black Friday crew that keeps the tradition alive. This year we missed the Donahue's, as Paul had to work. As Mitch always says, "Crime doesn't take a day off." We certainly missed them, but in Paul's absence we all ate a hot dog at Target in his honor. (Paul always buys a hot dog at Target, no matter what time of morning it is).
It was small group this year, just Amanda, Mitch and myself. The three of us buzzed around Maple Grove finding deals, deals, deals! Our shopping journey didn't start until nearly 11pm. Our first stop is always Target. The store was pretty empty, but we still managed to find plenty of items to throw into our cart. Each of us bought something at each stop. After scanning the deals at Wal-Mart, Kohl's and JCPenny - we were finally home by 2:30am with bags and bags of merchandise.
Friday during the day, Emmett and I headed out to do some more shopping with my Mom. We wandered Arbor Lakes and found a few good deals. After a delicious lunch at Punch Pizza, we headed home with a truck full. Another successful Black Friday in the books!
Now that Thanksgiving is over, we've started the Christmas countdown. Our tree is up, daily stocking stuffers stuffed, advent calendars out and Elf on the Shelf in full force!
While putting up decorations, I had a little photo session with Emmett. I wrapped him up in lights and he sat as content as can be! What a good little model! :) When I asked Harper to come and take pictures with her baby brother, she replied with, "No, I'm fine!" That girl, I tell ya!
Until next timeā¦
The Helleen's
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