Santa Baby
Aren't Santa photos great? I'm sure if everyone riffled through old Santa photos, there is at least one year the photographer captured tears or at the very least a look of terror. I remember standing in enormous lines at the mall promising my Mom I'd sit on his lap and smile. I'd rehearse my wish list while we waited. When my moment finally arrived, I froze. He'd ask me "what do you want for Christmas" and I'd shyly reply, "I don't know." (See, I was even indecisive as a little girl!) I'd sit on his knee, stiff and sporting a fake slightly frightened smile. Nowadays, I get pure joy seeing Santa photos fill my feed on various social media sights.
This year was Harper's 3rd time visiting Mr. Claus, and clearly Emmett's first. We asked all week leading up to the visit what she was going to ask for. Her answers varied and usually resulted in good laugh.
Saturday evening, we made plans to meet The Donahue's downtown Minneapolis at Macy's for their 8th floor Santaland experience. Since 2001 Mitch and I have made this one of our Christmas traditions. Now that we have kiddos to experience it with, it makes it even more fun!
As the elevator doors opened, we were greeted by elves and Mrs. Claus escorting us to a waiting room. We weaved through the line until we finally made our way to the front of the display. With two strollers in tow, the four of us shuffled through the Christmas scenes. Although the Santaland display was the same one we've seen the last few years - Harper didn't seem to mind.
Santa awaited us at the end. As we waited in the Santa line, we explained the whole Santa process to Harper. I let her know we would walk into a room, and Santa would be sitting in a chair waiting for us. The plan was to sit on his lap, smile for a photo and tell him what she wanted for Christmas. As we inched closer to the entrance, Harper looked at us and said, "Umm, I don't want to see Santa."
We were escorted through the velvet curtains into a small room. Santa sat in a chair in the corner, just as we had described. Harper took one look at him and quickly wrapped herself around Mitch's leg. Reluctantly, she allowed Mitch to carried her up to Santa's chair. We placed her on his knee, and a sleeping Emmett on the opposite side. Mitch and I slowly backed away, reassuring her it's okay and we're just going to take a couple photos. She smiled for the flashes, but was quick to jump off his lap. Before receiving her Santa button, he asked the magic question - "what do you want for Christmas?" She turned her head and in the softest voice said, "how about a cool puzzle?" Santa laughed, then asked her what Emmett wanted. "Umm, how about a stocking?" Harper responded. Lucky Emmett!
Overall, our 2014 Santa experience was a success. Now, bring on Christmas!!
Earlier in the day, we celebrated sweet Blake's 1st birthday. It's hard to believe that adorable lil' gal is already 1. She certainly know how to throw an epic party!
We walked in and Harper's baby blues immediatly locked in on the bouncy house. She couldn't take off her hat, coat and shoes fast enough! It didn't take long for her to leap into the ball pit with the other kiddos. Harper and Kelly's niece, Peyton are close and age and seemed to buddy up. The two of them bounced and slid down the slide - over and over again with the same joyful expression.
Harper loved all the kids and especially loved the cupcakes! It was a great birthday celebration! Happy 1st Birthday Blake!!
After nearly 2 weeks of colds, coughs and ear infections, I think our house is finally a sick-free zone. Harper had it the worst with a double ear infection, perma runny nose and a horrendous cough. Teaching a 2 1/2 year old to cover her mouth while coughing has proven to be a difficult task. I also believe that was the cause of Emmett and I picking up the same nasty cold.
With the boogey noses and coughs gone, we have our two happy kiddos back just in time for the Christmas holiday! Thank goodness!
Until next timeā¦
The Helleen's
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