Happy Birthday Harper! 3 already?

Three years ago today, Mitch and I were thrown into parenthood. We were excited, nervous, overwhelmed and scared - a true hodge podge of emotions. Nothing could prepare us for the amazing adventure we were about to embark on. 

My baby girl is three today and the hodge podge of emotions has returned. Mostly I'd like time to slow down. Honestly, when did 3 years come and go??

To my sweet 3 year old, Harper:

From the beginning you've had a big personality and you continue to let it shine bright. Your thoughtfulness and compassion for others amazes me. In a group, you're the social butterfly and it's one of my favorite things to sit back and watch. Saying hello to everyone, even complete strangers is a regular occurrence for you and you do it with a smile on your face.

You have excellent manners, using "please" and "thank you" regularly, not to mention you're the queen of "bless you." If you sneeze and someone doesn't say it, you'll yell "bless me!" until someone finally notices. 

This year you became a big sister, and the way you make your baby brother smile makes my heart melt. He's in complete awe when you're around and just stares. He loves you very much and you're a terrific big sister. 

I love that you love music. You're mildly obsessed with singing, dancing and musical instruments. Little Einsteins has taught you your fair share of music terms and you tend to sneak them in to your daily vocabulary. Just the other day you told me, "Mom, we need to sing that song presto!" and no matter how many times I correct you, you still refer to a Triceratops as a Tubaceratops. (Thanks Little Einsteins) I hope this love and passion continues as you grow, otherwise I'll really miss our dance parties and loud singing! 

You're the perfect girlie puzzle piece to our family of four. I'm lucky to be your Mom and you make the job so much fun. Happy birthday hunny bun, cheers to being 3! We love you so very much!


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