Sibling Love

I always knew I wanted to be a mother, I just had no idea how satisfying and incredible the job is. 

Like most girls, I grew up fantasying about my adult life. My younger self daydreamed of living in a big dream house, juggling my days being a pediatrician, teacher and a stay-at-home Mom. (Yes, all three. Anything goes in dreamland!). I'd cruise the streets in my pink convertible with my husband by my side. We'd have two wonderful children and a dog. (I'm starting to realize I might have played with too many Barbies!) 

Fast forward to real life. We live in a average sized house and I juggle my days being a wife and working mother. I cruise the streets in my white SUV with my husband by my side. We have two wonderful children. No dog, maybe not ever. Life is good.

Motherhood has taught me plenty over the last three years. 
1. Slow down, enjoy the small moments and the big ones too. 
2. Take pictures - LOTS and lots of pictures. 
3. Write down the silly things your toddler says. When you're having a bad day, go back and read them. You'll smile instantly. 
4. Patience is important, as are deep breaths. 
5. Snuggle any chance you get. 
6. It's okay to get dirty. That's what baths and washing machines are for! 
7. Be goofy together as a family. 
8. As parents, we need to follow our own rules. 
9. There will be good days and not so good days - and that's okay!
10. Children are miracles. 

The last couple months watching Harper and Emmett interact has truly melted my heart. I had no idea I could love two little babes so much. Watching their sibling love grow has been special. Every time Harper attacks him with a squeeze or kiss that's just a little too hard, he smiles. When she holds him, he just stares. I mean, this is heart melting stuff people! Or maybe I'm just a super sappy Mama. Either way, it's been a joy to watch these two over the last 11 weeks. 

I realize as they each grow older, we'll run into many obstacles. Harper already came tattling on Emmett last week. "Mom, Emmett hit me in the head!" I had to explain to her, that he's a baby and he doesn't understand. I also gave her a little tip, maybe don't get right up in his face - then his hands can't get you. :) The thought of their teenage years scares me. So until then, I'll just sit back and soak up the sweetness! 

Harper continues to show us her giant personality. The girl loves being the center of attention, singing, dancing and mirrors. Put them all together, and you get this video:

While Harper serenades us, Emmett grooves: 

Those two videos should give you a glimpse into our Friday nights. We have dance parties in the living room and sing way too loud. It's pretty awesome. 

Now that Halloween is over, we're amping up for the holiday season. Harper started making her birthday and Christmas list and just like her mother did at that age - she's got her eyes on a Power Wheels car. Every time we go to Toys R' Us she has to sit in all of them and I'm not going to lie - they're pretty adorable. Until we can find the space, it'll have to stay on her wish list. (Just a side note, this was on my wish list FOR YEARS! I'm still waiting for my Barbie Corvette!) 

My Mom and I brought the kids along to a craft fair over the weekend. With the parking lot being so busy at the Community Center, we had to walk through the ice arena to get to the fair. Harper got her first glimpse of live hockey and figure skating. She was pretty impressed. I was informed by my almost 3 year old that she needs to skate on the ice, now. Plus, she'll need a pretty dance outfit to wear while skating. Oh Harper. I promised her Mitch would bring her skating this Winter. Can't wait for that field trip!

This week we also started something new for Harper, a sticker chart. In the first few days, it's already been a proven success. Harper's books have been put away neatly in her bookshelf every night. She's eating all her dinner and is even trying new foods willingly. She's still queen of the diaper genie and is working on not whining about EVERYTHING. I'm just hoping the success continues!

Until next time…
The Helleen's


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