3 Months Old? When did that happen?

Oh sweet Emmett, how are you 3 months already? I was hoping he'd stay in baby mode forever, or at least a little bit longer. Newborn characteristics are a thing of the past. We've moved on to babbles, countless gummy smiles and giggles and holding his head up a little longer each day. 

Luckily he still loves a good snuggle session. This is something I really do hope lasts forever. I realize it's not cool to snugs your Mom as a teenager; however, I may need a friendly reminder of this in 15 years. He's getting chunky, which I love. Chubby babes are the best. Just last week he was weighed at the pediatrician where we found out he is just a few ounces short of 15 lbs. Sleeping still isn't his forte, but we're getting there.* He's too cute and sweet to get upset about his sleeping habits. 

Happy 3 months little duder!

*Update from last week. I had several people recommend cutting out dairy after my post regarding our fussy sleeper. I gave it a shot for a few days and he started sleeping a lot better. Selfishly, Saturday I treated myself to cheesy bread and many pieces of pizza thinking dairy had nothing to do with my sleepless nights. That night, he slept terrible. Coincidence? Maybe. Either way, I decided to really stick to this whole "cut back on dairy" thing. Here's to hoping it helps! 

It's mind blowing how fast time goes. I'm learning the older I get, the faster it goes. In just a couple weeks Harper will be 3. My baby, isn't much of a baby any more. 

Months ago I asked her what kind of birthday party she wanted. "Umm, how about a pirate party. With pirate presents?" That's the response I got from our soon-to-be 3 year old. Being a lover of themed parties, I was all in. Saturday we're celebrating with family and mateys. Hats, eye patches and hooks will be worn. We have treasure chests ready to be filled with pirate booty and gold doubloons. I mean, you only turn 3 once! 

This week I got a text from my Mom, with a picture attached. It was Emmett in an oversized pirate hat with his normal content expression. I read, "Harper put this on his head and said, ahoy matey." I laughed out loud at my desk. 


I haven't been shy about my love for the series, The Hunger Games. I was obsessed with books and I've been obsessed with the movies. My co-worker Michelle and I share this passion and have purchased tickets weeks ahead of time for the last two movies. Mockingjay, Part 1 hit theaters last Thursday and we were certainly going to be there opening night.

Each of us wore our Mockingjay t-shirts to work. (Yes, I'm 29. Not 14 like you might be thinking). We were giddy with excitement the whole day. Mitch's sister, Jennie met up with us after work and we headed to Eden Prairie AMC for the first installment of the final book. We were surrounded by teeny-boppers and quickly realized we were some of the oldest people in the theater. Oh well, we're diehards!

As far as the movie goes, I really liked it. It followed the book closely, which I appreciated. Katniss is awesome and I'm still team Peeta no matter what! Now we have to wait another year for the final film. Ugh.

With Thanksgiving so late this year, I've been itching to pull out the Christmas decorations. Mitch poo-pooed my idea of putting up the tree. He insists we have to wait until after Thanksgiving. I pulled out all our non-tree decorations and got to work!

Lighted garland spirals through our bannisters. Stockings are hung above the fireplace. Nutcrackers and other holiday knickknacks are sprinkled throughout the house. I had a smile on my face the entire time. There is something about Christmas decorations, they instantly put you in a good mood. Friday, the tree will go up and we'll officially be ready for the holiday season!

We have a lot to be thankful this year. Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

Until next time…
The Helleen's


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