Calling All Parents - looking for your advice and/or feedback!

I'm hoping some of you Mama's and Daddy-o's out there might be able to relate to our current situation. Those of you who can, we'd love to hear any suggestions.

Friday night, Emmett started getting fussier than usual. I didn't think too much about it and thought he probably caught a cold or some other common infant ailment. I mean, babies aren't always happy - right?

As the weekend progressed, so did his fussiness. He was never running a fever. During the day he was usually pretty happy and was eating regularly. At night, as soon as I'd lay him down in his crib - within 15-20 minutes he would be crying. Not whining, or fussing - like screaming. (I'm sure most of you agree, the sound of your baby sobbing is awful. When you don't know why they're crying, it makes it even worse! We just want to make them feel better!)

We've had 4 nights in a row of this. Needless to say, the rocking chair and neck pillow have become my new best friends. When I pick him up, he settles down a little. Eventually the two of us crash in the chair. Once I wake up and find a peaceful sleeping Emmett in my arms, I try to sneak him back into his crib. (Note: this trick has not been successful)

Today we decided to take him to the pediatrician to have him checked out, thinking maybe it was an ear infection. After a thorough check up, they had nothing to tell us. His ears looked fine. No ear infection. His lungs sounded good. No concerns of cold or acid reflux. They suggested just carrying on with our normal routine and see if he got better. We left empty handed and feeling helpless.

Poor Emmett's cries lead me to think something is wrong. He's never been a baby that just cried to cry. He's been a decent sleeper and had no problem being on his back in his crib until this weekend. It breaks this Mama's heart to see him so upset.

If anyone wants to chime in with similar experiences, please do. I've considered trying gas drops to see if that helps? At this point, I feel like it doesn't hurt to try. Perhaps it's a phase and it'll all be over soon, or maybe that's wishful thinking.

Like I said, we welcome any feedback and advice.

This tired and concerned Mama thanks you in advance! :)


  1. It sounds like colic. You should try gripewater or lavender oil

  2. How did they rule out reflux? Sounds like bad reflux to me. That's how kennadie was 24/7 until we got her on meds...


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