We survived our first week!

We've been home with Emmett for one full week and so far, so good. Adjustments are being made to our daily routines and I'm quickly reminded how many diapers a newborn goes through! How can something so small produce so much waste? It's impressive.

Mitch and I have been a little sleep deprived, but that's to be expected. Emmett is consistently waking up every 2 hours at night to feed, not to mention a few diaper changes here and there. He's sleeping in our room and I worry with every single cry that he'll wake up Harper. This has yet to happen, and I'm pretty convinced that girl could sleep through anything. 

This week, Mitch headed back to work and Harper has continued with her regular Granny/Grandma daycare. Mitch wakes her up at her usual time and takes her to one of our parents for the morning. Emmett and I are able to catch up on sleep, which has been nice. The last few days she's come home around lunch time. It's nice to have her home with us, and watching her spend some quality time with her baby bro is pretty precious. 

She continues to be our "little helper" throwing away diapers and helping when we ask. She insists on supervising every diaper change, but today… it happened. While we were changing his diaper, Harper got hit with Emmett's impressive pee stream. My reflexes took over and I covered it with my hand, but obviously not quick enough. It landed on her hand, which led to Harper running around crying hysterically. We couldn't help but laugh, but she was not amused. Mitch escorted Harper to the bathroom to wash up and finally she calmed down. We'll see if she's still interested in helping with diaper changes.



This past weekend I finally got out of the house, and it felt magnificent. I had been cooped up long enough and I needed to escape the indoors. We planned to run a few errands Saturday, but we were easily distracted by NDSU Bison football. Mitch dressed both kiddos in their best Bison gear and had each of them downstairs cheering. 

Sunday we got everyone ready (that was a process) and decided to head to French Park so Harper could get away from the TV and enjoy some outdoor fun. Emmett and I sat on the benches while Mitch and Harper climbed the ropes, slid down slides and played in the sand. After a couple hours of much needed fresh air, we wrapped up our first park experience with four family members. Afterwards we took a napless Harper and a 6 day old to Target - enough said. Our Target trip quickly turned into a 1 1/2 hour experience and I'm pretty sure we only left a handful of items on our mental list. We of course walked up and down every toy aisle and managed to leave spending more than anticipated, so it was your typical Target run. 

Sunday night we headed over to Mitch's parents for a Labor Day weekend BBQ. Matt & Jen were in town from Fargo and finally got to meet and snuggle Lil' E. Tracy and Ashley even joined us, it's always great seeing them! It was fun hanging out with everyone and introducing Emmett to his family.


We were lucky to have a special visitor today, Melissa! She was in town briefly this afternoon from St. Cloud and cleared out a little extra time in her busy schedule to stop in and meet Emmett. It's always so good to see her and catch up! We've been friends for nearly 20 years and tomorrow she turns 30! Thanks for stopping by today and HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY! :)

Until next time…
The Helleen's


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