Happy 1 Month Emmett!

Happy 1 month to our sweet boy, Emmett! How have 4 weeks come and gone already? As cliché as it sounds, it feels like he's always been a part of our crazy crew. His appearance continues to change on a daily basis, we're still trying to determine exactly who he looks like. At times I look at him and have flashbacks to baby Harper. Within minutes he makes a new face and I see someone totally different. As the future months pass, I'm eager to see how his appearance changes and he lets that personality shine. 

Mr. E in not the best sleeper. We battle at night with a fussy boy which often time results in little sleep for the both of us. His little stuffy nose hasn't helped this week. He continues to wake up every 2 hours with a rumbling belly. That's one thing he never misses - a feeding! I mean, he is a growing boy!

For the lack of sleep, he makes up in snuggles. I'm still soaking up my snuggle time while I can (and while he's willing) and loving every minute of it. Newborn nuzzles melt my heart. We've managed to get a few smiles and sleepy giggles out of him and he's more awake and alert everyday. I forgot how quickly they grow and change the first few months. He's finally filling out his 0-3 month clothes and we've officially moved on to size 1 diapers. So long newborn items! :)

Little Mother Harper continues to make us laugh and smile. She's received the official title of "professional diaper slam dunker" and never misses an opportunity to toss one into the diaper genie. Before she runs off to Emmett's room, she always asks - "what's in this?" Such a nosy girl. 

This week I was in desperate need of a shower. I put Emmett in the bouncer and placed him right outside the shower curtain since he was awake. For Harper, I knew an episode of Jake and the Never Land Pirates (her newest obsession) would keep her quiet long enough to shower. While I got dressed, I moved Emmett into the living room. I heard him crying and came into the living room to find Harper rocking him in the bouncer. Watch out Emmett - looks like Harper will be your Mom #2. 

We continued project "get out of the house" this week but kept most of our activities local. The Maple Grove library is always a great time waster and Harper always enjoys herself. While Harper played and read books, Emmett and I relaxed in the cushy chairs watching. We also had a delicious lunch date at Chick-fil-a and Harper always appreciates a place with a play area. The glass wall in the dining area makes it easy to watch your kiddos without staying inside the cozy play room. My Mom and I observed from our table while Harper played with 4 other kiddos. She was by far the youngest in the room. I noticed a boy, probably 4-5 years old staring at her and finally engaging in conversation. They were too far away to decipher what was being said. (At that moment I realized I'm going to be a nosy Mom. Sorry in advance kids.) They moved closer to the glass window where I could read their lips. I saw the boy face to face with Harper and ask - "can I pick you up?" Harper looked up at him and said, "okay." as she wrapped her arms around him in a giant bear hug. The boy picked her up under the armpits and carried her across the floor. It was the most hysterical yet random thing I've ever seen. He gently put her down and she unlatched from him. Afterwards she gave him a smile and ran off. I shared the story with Mitch that night. He didn't find it quite as funny - I think it made him nervous for her teenage years! :) 



This past weekend we took advantage of the sunshine and enjoyed one of the last weekends of the season at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. I interned in the marketing office 7 years ago but have kept in contact with my former co-workers. We always love visiting the festival every year and entering the fantasy world. Maybe one of these days I can convince Mitch to dress up! :) 

Harper had a blast last year, but I think her experience was topped with our 2014 visit. Face paintings, princess hats, magic wands, pony rides, musical groups and dancing. She was in heaven! I'm a little concerned she may be asking for a pony this holiday season! 

Yesterday we were lucky enough to get a visit from the Stuntz ladies. It was our first playdate with all three kiddos and it was a total success. Blake and Harper played pirates while digging through Harper's treasure chest. Emmett just supervised the girls. It's so special sharing the joys of parenthood with a good friend! We're all looking forward to future playdates for years to come.

This year my Mom and I have taken on a new hobby - junking! Well, I'm not sure we're legit junkers, but we're working on it. We've wandered the cities searching for vintage/antique/recycled "junk" shops all summer. When we heard about Junk Bonanza at Canterbury Park, there was no way we were missing it.

Pinterest is dangerous enough, but between visiting these various shops and pinning on the social networking site - my mind has gone crazy with ideas. I've also convinced myself I could build furniture (let me remind you I have zero experience with tools) but I have yet to give it a shot. Today was day #1 of Junk Bonanza, and we were in line at 10am when the doors opened. With a few minor projects in mind, we walked in with an open mind and a lot of patience. Over a 100 vendors filled the Event Center and Canterbury Park and it was beyond overwhelming. SO MUCH TO LOOK AT! We walked through the crowded aisles daydreaming of DIY projects. My Mom and I both walked away with a few new treasures and I can't wait to make this an annual tradition! Happy Junking! :)


Until next time…
The Helleen's


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