Parades, Pictures & Planes!

Parades. Love them. Carnivals. Love those too. So, when I found out last weekend was Osseo Lions Roar - I was on a mission to partake in the festivities. The cool late summer temperatures created a picture perfect day, so we loaded up the two kiddos and headed to downtown Osseo ready for a day full of fun!

We pulled into the high school and unpacked the car. I forgot how many extra things you carry with a newborn. With multiple bags and strollers in tow - we were finally ready to rumble. The sidewalks were flooded with local residents, so we found the nearest open curb and declared it our parade home.

Harper is a parade pro. She sits in her stroller, waving to every single parade participant (and other parade viewers too) soaking up the sun and eating way too much candy. Sounds heavenly, right? Mitch was given "candy grabber" duty and he didn't disappoint. There was candy being tossed left and right! All three of us had our fair share of candy but Harper's favorite was the giant pixie stick. It wasn't just candy being passed out - Mitch and I appreciated the free drink token from Maple Tavern! See parades are for adults too! :)

After nearly an hour of parade viewing, our bellies started rumbling. Even though the parade was still going strong, we somehow convinced Harper to leave early to get some lunch. We walked down Main Street, enjoying the remainder of the parade along the way. The thought of grabbing a greasy burger at Dick's or Duffy's seemed ideal, but we quickly realized each hometown bar was crazy crowded with other Lion's Roar goers (not to mention we were dealing with two strollers!). Realizing our burger plans will have to wait for another day, we settled on items from the food tent. 

The remainder of our day was filled with mini donuts, carnival games and family fun! It was our first real family outing with Harper and Emmett and it was pretty perfect! Mitch and I mastered the two stroller thing and quickly realized this is our new reality. We wouldn't have it any other way! 

Emmett had his 2-week "birthday" this week, which meant a doctor's appointment. After a quick check-up, we left with a great report. He's now 8 pounds, 8 ounces (he's gained over a pound in less than 2 weeks) and "looks perfect" according to the nurse practitioner. 

He's your typical 2 week old - sleeping, eating and pooping a lot. Every 2 hours seems to be his eating schedule and I'm still adapting to my new sleep pattern. Much like his sister, he's quite a noisy sleeper. There are a lot of grunts and groans throughout the night. We're still trying to figure out what all his little noises mean. I'm soaking up the newborn snuggles while I can and it's something Emmett is very skilled at. He's my little snuggle bug! 



Big sister Harper is still impressing us. She's mastered the "slam dunking" of dirty diapers and frequently asks, "can I hold my baby brother?" Getting used to sharing attention is a work in progress. If someone isn't responding to her, her volume continues to increase until someone reacts. While in the car, Harper has mutter the line, "Can you put his pacifier in his mouth?" Most of the time when she says this, Emmett isn't making a peep. Classic big sister.

As I've mentioned, I'm not very good at staying home - I like to be on the go! Plus, when you have a 2 1/2 year old that is a ball of energy, it's nice to get out of the house. This past week we bought Harper a new balance bike. Mitch has been talking about them for quite some time, so we finally did a little research and pulled the trigger. We've been on many walks since our purchase and Harper is quickly getting the hang of it.

Tuesday we ventured to Mall of America with the assistance of my Mom. Nickelodeon Universe has a promotion every week known as "Toddler Tuesday." You can get a 5-hour unlimited wristband for $11.95 and other kid friendly activities and specials are sprinkled throughout the mall. Harper rode several rides and even stayed still long enough to get her face painted. She's still not the most adventurous when it comes to rides, but we're taking baby steps. It was a fun afternoon and a nice outing for all of us!

Earlier this week, I opened the mailbox thrilled to see a package from Kristen Anne Photography! Emmett's newborn pictures were ready and I couldn't wait to look through them. As I've mentioned in passed posts, we've worked with Kristen for years now! She's photographed all the major milestones of our life. Our engagement, wedding, pregnancy with Harper, countless family photos over the last 2 1/2 years and now it was Emmett's turn to be in the spotlight. At just 5 days old, Kristen came into our home and worked her amazing magic. 

We had been home from the hospital less than 24 hours and like usual - we were running late. After sending Kristen a hectic text letting her know we got a late start, she put me at ease saying "give me the boy and you guys take your time getting ready." She's the best!

For an hour and half she photographed the newest Helleen family member and even snuck in a few family photos. Like always, we're thrilled with the results! Below are a few of my favorites, and I can't thank Kristen enough for driving to Maple Grove on short notice to capture this special time in our lives.

Yesterday while Emmett and I headed to the doctor, Harper spent the morning with Uncle Nick. The air traffic control graduate took his god-daughter to the airport and let her roam free. She was so excited to come home and tell us about her airport adventures and the popcorn she ate! Thanks Nick for showing Harper one of your passions, she certainly enjoyed herself!

We're looking forward to the weekend - hope you are too!

Until next time…
The Helleen's


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