Big Girl Beds & County Fairs!

What's worse than a sick kiddo? I can't think of anything. 

The flu bug hit our house last week for a couple days and it was not a pleasant experience. Harper was the only one affected by the nasty illness. For two days she was living on popsicles, water and crackers. Mitch and I felt helpless, it was awful. There's nothing worse than having a sick babe and not being able to do anything to make them feel better. Luckily the sickness didn't linger long, and she was back to her spunky self in no time!   

Last Wednesday Harper's bedroom finally got the upgrade it needed. She went from sleeping like a poor college student (with just a mattress laying on the floor) to a fancy new big girl room! Her room was completely transformed from baby nursery to a little girls room in a blink of an eye. When did she get so old? Yes, I do realize she's only 2 1/2 which is hardly old, but time seems to be flying. I'm quickly realizing our "little baby" isn't much of a baby anymore. 

It's been over a week with new bedroom furniture and every night she's still excited to crawl into her big girl bed. I'm happy to report there have been zero fall out accidents and she's managed to stay near the head of her bed each night. She usually ends up sleeping horizontal across the mattress with no covers or pillows - but hey, as long as she stays in the bed, she can do whatever her little heart desires. Project "Big Girl Room" has been a total success. 

Tonight was week three of dance class. Last week she was so excited about her "pretty dance dress" and her brand new shoes, that eagerly posed for a picture. I could stare at these little girls dressed up in their tiny tights, leotards and miniature ballet shoes all day - it's the cutest thing ever. Harper seems to be enjoying herself each week. She's constantly singing the songs and doing the moves at home throughout the week. It's so fun to see the excitement on her face as she walks into the studio and her perma-smile is contagious. Like I mentioned last week, I think this Mama is also sporting a perma-smile the entire 30 minutes.   

So, I have a confession. I have a weakness for fairs. State fairs, county fairs, themed fairs - I love them all. Back in Febraury when I found out my due date was August 31st, what was the first thought that popped into my head? "I can't miss the State Fair!" I immediately googled the dates, and since then have figured out I have August 21st, 22nd, 23rd or 24th to visit the "Great Minnesota Get Together" before baby boy arrives. You better believe I'll be there cankles and all, enjoying my fried pickles and cheese curds. Plus, the list of new fair foods was just released today! Pizza tots, pretzel curds? Sign me up!

A much smaller, scaled down version known as the Hennepin County Fair took place last weekend just a few miles from our house. I mentioned to Mitch that I wouldn't mind going. (This is my way of telling him, "hey we're going!") He granted my wish. Saturday night we were walking through the midway, snacking on fair food, visiting the petting zoo and capped the night off with the destruction derby. It was pure awesomeness. As we walked to the car, Harper looked up at me and said - "that was so fun, Mom!" I think I have a fair-lover in the making! :)

Since Harper's room is finally complete, it's time to focus on Baby H's room. With a little over 8 weeks to go (holy moley), it's crunch time. The furniture is in place and the room is painted - other than that, it's pretty bare. My Mom and I made a trip to The General Store in Minnetonka Sunday on a mission to find little knickknacks for the new nursery. This shop is one of my personal favorites and when we go it's a minimum 2-hour trip. The two-story building it covered in home decor, speciality items, clothing, jewelry - you name it. (Side note - if you love Christmas stuff, go around the holidays. Your head may explode from all the amazing items they have.) We left with a few wooden signs and trinkets for baby boy's room. We're making progress on the nursery, but I know the next 2 months will fly by. 

It's no secret, I love taking pictures. With three separate cameras in my novice collection, I've snapped thousands of pictures of Harper over the last 2 1/2 years. Clearly it's rubbing off on her. This week, my little camera was on the kitchen table and she noticed it while I was cooking dinner. I heard Harper say, "Mom! Mom!" When I looked up, below is the image I saw. Harper grabbed the camera, pointed it at me and said, "Okay Mom, 1, 2, 3 - make a silly face!" I couldn't help but laugh and part of me was a smidgen proud. I'm raising my girlie to be a picture taking, fair loving, dancing queen. :)

Until next time,
The Helleen's


  1. OMG that room is darling! Great job guys!


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