Turning 1 is Fun!

One. I know it's a small number, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around the thought that my sweet lil' Harper is a 1 year old. Oh how time has cruised. Our lives completely changed last year on December 15th. Harper's grand entrance into the world wasn't what we expected, but our family grew stronger for it. Over the past year Mitch and I have been typical first time parents. We've taken entirely too many photos, dressed her up in completely ridiculous outfits, over-reacted on many occasions, spent endless hours watching Sesame Street, read book after book after book, watched her learn to roll, scoot, crawl, and walk (and thought it was the greatest thing ever), but not a day goes by that we don't realize we're so very lucky to have that wonderful little girlie in our lives. 

Saturday was Harper's actually birthday, and it was also party day! Mitch and I spent the morning getting the house ready for our party guests. The banners were hung, that candy was in place, and our chili bar was ready for family and friends to celebrate Harper's big day! 

We had several special out-of-town guests for the party. Uncle Matt & Aunt Jen were in town from California for the big celebration. My Aunt Joan and cousin Betty even flew in from Missouri to surprise us for the weekend! Everyone embraced the Sesame Street theme. Guests were drinking with whirly Sesame Street straws, coloring picture perfect pages in the coloring books, and enjoyed and Elmo and Abby confetti birthday cake. 

After we finished with dinner, it was time for presents. Harper was so eager to rip the paper off those packages, she started without us! She sat through every card, gift bag and box and opened each one. Everyone was so generous and Harper received some wonderful gifts. Toys, toys and more toys - plus a personalized jewelry box, a tricycle and helmet, clothes and shoes, plus a finished playroom! She is a very lucky girl to have such wonderful people who love her very much to make her day so special.

It was cake time after all the gift opening! We strapped Harper into her high chair, and put the giant smash cake in front of her. Cameras were flashing, guests were giggling as she used just one hand to dig into the sugary mess. She loved the icing and looked like a little green monster when she was done! I think it's safe to say she really enjoyed this part of her party.

Mitch and I were excited to show Harper her new special playroom. We had set her birthday as a deadline for ourselves to have it done - we actually finished a week or so early! Since showing her the room last night, we have already spent plenty of time in the room playing with all her new toys! I can't wait to write on the chalkboard with her, play with her new kitchen, and read books in the little reading corner. I know this room will come to be one of our favorite rooms in the house.

As the night went on, the coloring contests began. Much to my surprise, many of the adults spent hours at the table chatting and coloring. We even started displaying their artwork on the wall. Who knew that a few coloring books from Dollar Tree would provide hours of entertainment - for adults non-the-less?

Overall I'd say Harper's 1st birthday was a total success. Parenthood has been incredible, and we've enjoyed every minute these last 12 months. It's hard to believe a year ago we held this little girl in our arms, and were totally clueless what was in store for our future.

We've grown individually, and as a family. There have been laughs, tears, bumps and bruises, runny noses and many milestones along the way. Our hearts are filled with love for our sassy little girlie.

Harper - you truly bring great joy to us everyday, we love you more than ever and we're so lucky to be your parents. Hope you had a good birthday hunny bunny.

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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