Christmas Celebration Round 1

Not only did we celebrate Harper's 1st birthday last weekend, but it was also our annual Helleen/Schumer/Dunnwald/Fodstad pre-Christmas party. For the last 5 years, both sides of our family schedule a night to celebrate Christmas. It always falls a weekend or two before Christmas while everyone is in town. 

This year 20+ people headed over to Bob & Deb's for a night of fun, food and fighting over yankee swap gifts. We started our evening snacking on amazing appeziters and catching up with everyone. Since my Aunt Joan and Betty flew in for the weekend, they even got in on the family fun. Harper had a chance to hang out and play with a few people she doesn't see all the time. Tom and Ashley got in some reading time, Matt and Jen played with some toys - she continued to hop from person to person all night. 

Once Harper went to bed, it was time for the main event of the night... yankee swap. Our rules of the game are as follows:

1. Purchase any gift around $15.
2. Put all the wrapped gifts in the center.
3. Pass two pans with two dice - try to roll doubles.
4. Once you get doubles - choose a wrapped gift from the middle.
5. When everyone has a gift - UNWRAP!
6. Go around the circle showing your present.
7. Set the timer, roll doubles and STEAL YOUR FAVORITE GIFT!
8. When the timer goes off - you're stuck with the gift in your lap.

I know there are a million versions of this game out there, and I've even heard a few variations I might recommend we add to our game next year. With so many people, there were amazing gifts and plenty of swapping. Tori brought one of the hottest gifts of the night - Duck Dynasty Season 1, Si's tea cup, and a can of sweet tea. The DD gift was passed from person to person for the full 20 minutes, but at the end of the night - my Mom left with the hot items. Scotty also won big with a pair of chartreuse, black and white Zubaz - and he totally rocked them once the game was over. Mitch and I left happy with golfballs and a nail polish kit. It was another fantastic year of yankee swap, with plenty of laughs with family.

I can't believe Christmas is already next week! I'm looking forward to this weekend for more parties and Christmas celebrations. Friday at work, we have our Hawaiian Christmas party. Saturday we're celebrating Christmas with the Schumer's before they head to Missouri for the holiday weekend. Mike and Jennie are also hosting a ugly sweater party we're planning to attend Saturday night! Busy, busy, busy - but it's all so fun!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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