We Love Long Weekends

It's hard to believe that it's already September, and summer has unofficially come to an end. We welcome September and the cooler temperatures with open arms, and were also welcoming of the long holiday weekend. Since there were no plans on our calendar, I expected our three days to be a "do-nothing" weekend. Wrong. Our three days were go-go-go doing fun filled events as a family. With the forecast predicting picture perfect days full of cloudless skies and sunshine, we opted to spend most of our time outdoors.

Canterbury Park was on our agenda Saturday. It has been months since we made it down to the horse races, and since Labor Day weekend is the last chance to watch this season we took full advantage. After Harper's morning nap we headed down to Shakopee to the horse track. The weather was truly wonderful, plenty of rays and not one single cloud. We chose our ponies and placed our bets. We ended up winning enough to pay us back for admission, buy a couple beers and an ice cream cone. I'd say that's a win! I even won $23 on a $2 bet! Not So Fast Festus was my long shot to win. Since my Dad grew up in Festus, Missouri I felt like it was a sign! Clearly it was, when we pocketed $23! We had a great family day out at the track!

Sunday, which actually felt like Saturday we headed back to the 16th century... or out to Shakopee again for the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. After interning in their marketing department the Summer of 2007, we make a point to visit the festival every year. I still keep in touch with my old co-workers and enjoy walking around the festival grounds taking in the surroundings. As you walk through the gates the entire atmosphere is transformed. Whether it's the elaborate costumes worn by both festival entertainers or visiting patrons, the pickle boys yelling at you to buy a "dill for a bill" or watching the jousters and stage acts... it's always a good time! It was a super hot day, but Harper was a trooper at her first trip to Ren Fest!

After driving to Shakopee two days in a row, we opted to stay closer to home for Labor Day. Since Summer is coming to an end, we decided to make a trip out to Lake Minnetonka since it may be our last time this season. Harper has had plenty of swim time in local pools, but never the lake. That all changed Monday! We lowered her into the water with her life jacket and fun floaty and she LOVED it. I think we might have a water baby on our hands. Boat rides tend to put Harper to sleep, they had the same affect on me when I was a kid. There is something about the wind blowing in your face, racing across the lake that knocks you out! We anchored in a calm cove and spent our day lounging on the boat, sipping drinks, and listening to Jimmy Buffett. It was nearly a perfect end to the weekend.

The week is cruising since it's a 4-day work week. This weekend we have a few exciting events lined up. Saturday morning Mitch and I are headed to TCF Stadium to cheer on the Minnesota Golden Gophers. Neither of us have been to the new stadium yet, so we're looking forward to the game. Saturday night we're heading up to St. Cloud to visit the Medford's. Today is Melissa and Julianne's birthday (Happy Birthday girlies!) so we're excited to celebrate with them this weekend! Next week is also our first plane trip with Harper. I'm already starting to mentally pack and prepare for our trip to Montana. If anyone has advice about traveling with a 9 month old, I'd love to hear it!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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