Back To Regular Scheduling

Ahhh, back to normal. It's funny as an adult that there is a craving to get back to your regular routine after some time off. Don't get me wrong, I love vacation but it throws everyone a little off track - especially a 9 month old. Our eating habits and sleep schedules were adjusted according to "vacation time," so we spent this last week snapping back into reality. It seems like our days over the last few weeks were packed with around the clock events, so the last week it's been refreshing to get back to our normal routine. I think we were all thankful to be back in the comfort of our own home again not to mention in our nice comfy beds after a great vacation!

Harper had her 9 month doctor appointment last Wednesday. We were anxious to hear the update since we hadn't seen the pediatrician since her 6 month visit. She seems to be right on track as far as her development goes. She's crawling like a mad woman, loves to clap her hands, and babbles "ma-ma-ma" and other words only she can understand. Pulling herself up and standing is effortless now, and she even gets brave and gives "no hands" a whirl leaving her standing alone. It's truly fascinating to see her grow, and watch her think things through.

Overall she got a pretty good report from the doctor, she is 28 inches long (65%) and only weighs 18 lbs 8 oz (44%). I assumed since she's been motoring around, that's why her weight didn't increase too much. She's only gained a pound since our last visit. The pediatrician didn't seem too concerned, and mentioned when you look at her she is clearly a healthy baby. We are going back to get her weight checked in 30 days just to make sure she's following the curve. While we were in Montana, she didn't have much of an appetite. Since we didn't have her normal food and we were eating at random times I think that might have affected her eating. Not to mention her front two teeth broke through, which could have played a part in the food boycott. She's eating three meals a day now, and has found a new love for grilled cheese sandwiches. I'm sure a month from now she'll get a thumbs up from the doctor.

Since the cooler autumn temperatures are here, we're been making Harper wear shoes on a regular basis. Most of summer her little toesies were shoe free, but since walking is in our future and the cold is coming we're trying to make it a part of her everyday attire. She seems to be getting used to the whole shoe thing, and they are just too darn cute! Plus, I found some old pig slippers just her size! I'm baby shoe obsessed!

This weekend we have a few exciting things on tap. Saturday morning we're running a Heart & Sole 5k benefiting children's heart disease. It'll be a nice little race the weekend before the Twin Cities 10 mile. Saturday night were headed to Maple Tavern with the rest of Osseo Senior High's 2002 graduating class. It's insane to think Mitch's 10 year reunion is already here. The thought of attending a reunion makes me feel old, and all I can think about is 1997 classic Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion. However, we're not going into this saying we invented Post-Its like they did. I'm excited to see familiar faces and chat it up with Mitch's old classmates. I'm sure I'll have a recap in next week's post!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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