Football. Football. Football.

Holy football overload, and unfortunately the season is just starting. This weekend the reoccurring theme has been football, football, football. It all started Friday night when the rivalry of Maple Grove vs Osseo took place. Before the game we did a little "pre-gaming" at the Shemon's. They grilled burgers and brats, had a little bon-fire and hung out before the big game. With Austin being an Oriole, and Maddie being a Crimson - they were kind enough to still invite us over for their tailgating party, even though we were rooting for Osseo.

It was true football weather Friday evening. Cool temperatures, crisp winds and roars from the stands. Amanda and I arrived a little late to the game, but made our way over to the Osseo bleachers. We did a little cheering, a little chatting, and of course people watching. Seeing all the students decked out in their school swag, painted faces and unique clothing choices brings back a lot of fun memories from High School. Now we're in the parents section, drinking our Diet Coke's yawning because it's 9pm and we're ready for bed. In the end it was a great game and Osseo took the victory with a 26-20 win against the Crimson!

Saturday morning we woke up early to the beeping of our alarm. Mitch was offered $10 Minnesota Gopher football tickets at work. Since we've never been to the new stadium, we decided to snatch up a couple tickets. My parents watched Harper while we headed to TCF Bank Stadium to cheer on the Golden Gophers. We arrived a few hours early to tailgate with Amanda and her college buddies. They have quite the tailgating set up. With a weekly bags tournament, a table full of wonderful food, and great tunes blaring - we were beyond impressed. Game time came quickly and we made our way to The Bank. The atmosphere was electric and a sea of maroon and gold filled the stands. We had such a great time at the game, and as an added plus the Gopher's won the game!

After the game, Harper snuck in a quick nap before we headed to St. Cloud to celebrate Julianne's 2nd birthday! The birthday girl was excited to see everyone, open gifts and eat DQ ice cream cake. I think Mitch might have been more excited than Julianne about the cake! It's always such a fun time to get our friends together and celebrate something special. We're blessed to have friends that we can call family.

Today was the official kickoff of the NFL season. This might be Mitch's favorite time of the year. With two fantasy teams, his Sundays are spent downstairs parked in front of the TV. The iPad and his cell phone are always close so he can keep track of every game and every play. Since I can only handle so much football, Harper and I got a little shopping done for our upcoming Montana trip. She did however get to sport her Vikings garb for the game.

It's a short work week for us, so I know the next 3 days are going to fly by! We leave Thursday morning for Montana to celebrate Scott and Sally's wedding weekend. We've received great advice over the last week from friends and family about flying with Harper - thank you for that. I think our biggest fear is being "those parents" on the plane with the screaming child. I'm sure everything will be alright, and when it all comes down to it we'll make it through just fine. I'm sure I'll have plenty of stories and experiences to share in next weeks post!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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