Eye Spy, A New Set Of Eyes
It's official. Mitch is free of contacts and eyeglasses. Last Thursday we arrived at Whiting Clinic in St. Louis Park bright and early. We walked into the sleek modern offices of Dr. Whiting and Mitch checked in for his 7:30 Lasik appointment. Harper and I made ourselves comfy in the waiting room before they called Mitch's name and brought us all back to his "private suite." Just to be clear, "private suite" is just a fancy term for waiting room. As Mitch got prepped, Harper and I watched scenes from Sesame Street on the iPad. After a short time, Dr. Whiting came in and introduced himself. He told Mitch he was a great candidate for the surgery and he had faith it was going to be super successful for him. Minutes later Mitch was laying on the table, while Harper and I watched from the viewing room. It was so intriguing watching them perform the procedure. I didn't plan to watch, but it one of those instances where I couldn't turn away - I was fascinated with what was appearing on the screen. Less than 10 minutes passed before Mitch received his fashionable sunshades and we were in the car on our way home. Overall it was super successful and I think Mitch is enjoying his new eyes!
Mitch took Friday off to rest his eyes one more day from staring at a computer. He and Harper made the journey down to Eden Prairie around lunch time to treat me to Baker's Ribs. It's always such a fun break in the day to see those two, plus enjoy a fabulous BBQ lunch. After work, we enjoyed some Harper time and then dropped her off to Granny Deb & Grandpa Bob's house. Mitch's co-worker Tate was turning 30, and his wife Brenna planned a surprise party. We ventured back down to Eden Prairie for the surprise and birthday celebration! It was nice to meet new people and spend a beautiful night outdoors.
The rest of our weekend was pretty relaxidazical. We met Paul and Kody Sunday morning at Good Day Cafe for brunch. We've passed the restaurant several times in the past, and frequently said "we should really try that place sometime." Sunday, we finally made it happen. Omelets, pancakes, fried egg sandwiches and buttered toast is a wonderful way to start a day. It's always fun to catch up with the Donahue's and when you add amazing food - it doesn't get much better than that!
Sunday afternoon we had a session with Misty Mays Photography for Harper's... uhhh 7 1/2 month photos. We sort of dropped the ball of the traditional 6 month photos, so we opted to have her photo session in-between 6 and 9 months. We met Misty at Lake Harriet Peace Gardens in Minneapolis. We had never been out in that area, so we were looking forward to new surroundings. Harper cooperated for the most of the hour, and I know she got some great shots! Yet again, Harper wasn't a huge fan of family pictures. I'm confident one of these days she'll just smile with Mitch and I to make her Mama happy! We're looking forward to see the great pictures Misty captured that night!
Harper is continuing to motor around. She is constantly on the go, and pulling herself up on EVERYTHING. She is babbling a ton, and we noticed another tooth coming through on the bottom. This will put the tooth count to three. She continues to amaze us with her vibrant personality and even lets her inner diva shine through every once in a while. Don't worry, we're working on reversing that as much as we can. We're having so much being parents to this wonderful little girl. It's amazing to think she'll be 8 months in a week. I'll be planning a 1st birthday bash before you know it. I'd be lying if I said I haven't already started to think about that party. I confess, there has been some pinning action on Pinterest!
We're looking forward to the weekend. Friday night we're heading to Brunswick Zone in Eden Prairie to support Vital Volleyball Club. Saturday we're ending the Summer Olympics in style with a BBQ bash at our house. We've decided to make it a costume party, so I'm excited to see how creative our friends can be with USA and Olympic themed costumes. I'm sure I'll have pictures next week.
Hope everyone enjoys the end of the 2012 Summer games, I know we will!
Until next time...
The Helleen's
Mitch took Friday off to rest his eyes one more day from staring at a computer. He and Harper made the journey down to Eden Prairie around lunch time to treat me to Baker's Ribs. It's always such a fun break in the day to see those two, plus enjoy a fabulous BBQ lunch. After work, we enjoyed some Harper time and then dropped her off to Granny Deb & Grandpa Bob's house. Mitch's co-worker Tate was turning 30, and his wife Brenna planned a surprise party. We ventured back down to Eden Prairie for the surprise and birthday celebration! It was nice to meet new people and spend a beautiful night outdoors.
The rest of our weekend was pretty relaxidazical. We met Paul and Kody Sunday morning at Good Day Cafe for brunch. We've passed the restaurant several times in the past, and frequently said "we should really try that place sometime." Sunday, we finally made it happen. Omelets, pancakes, fried egg sandwiches and buttered toast is a wonderful way to start a day. It's always fun to catch up with the Donahue's and when you add amazing food - it doesn't get much better than that!
Sunday afternoon we had a session with Misty Mays Photography for Harper's... uhhh 7 1/2 month photos. We sort of dropped the ball of the traditional 6 month photos, so we opted to have her photo session in-between 6 and 9 months. We met Misty at Lake Harriet Peace Gardens in Minneapolis. We had never been out in that area, so we were looking forward to new surroundings. Harper cooperated for the most of the hour, and I know she got some great shots! Yet again, Harper wasn't a huge fan of family pictures. I'm confident one of these days she'll just smile with Mitch and I to make her Mama happy! We're looking forward to see the great pictures Misty captured that night!
Harper is continuing to motor around. She is constantly on the go, and pulling herself up on EVERYTHING. She is babbling a ton, and we noticed another tooth coming through on the bottom. This will put the tooth count to three. She continues to amaze us with her vibrant personality and even lets her inner diva shine through every once in a while. Don't worry, we're working on reversing that as much as we can. We're having so much being parents to this wonderful little girl. It's amazing to think she'll be 8 months in a week. I'll be planning a 1st birthday bash before you know it. I'd be lying if I said I haven't already started to think about that party. I confess, there has been some pinning action on Pinterest!
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We're looking forward to the weekend. Friday night we're heading to Brunswick Zone in Eden Prairie to support Vital Volleyball Club. Saturday we're ending the Summer Olympics in style with a BBQ bash at our house. We've decided to make it a costume party, so I'm excited to see how creative our friends can be with USA and Olympic themed costumes. I'm sure I'll have pictures next week.
Hope everyone enjoys the end of the 2012 Summer games, I know we will!
Until next time...
The Helleen's
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